Burn meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Burn
As noun : अकारना Ex:  it is the nature of fire to burn
अक्षांति Ex:  The burn left a scar on my face.
Bombs dropped at Hiroshima and Nagasaki left a scar.
There are many scars at that place.
अग्निसंस्कार Ex:  In villages, women use bellows to make a fire burn better. अतिदाह Ex:  Pangs of burn shook the child from top to bottom. अभ्यसुया Ex:  Blow on the fire to make it burn hotter . आग लगना Ex:  Hack up this stuff, and we'll burn it . उत्तेजित होना Ex:  The total was a tenth of the amount that the Saturn V would burn every second. उल्लुंठन Ex:  The houses of the bankers on Lombard Street began to burn on Monday afternoon ओष Ex:  Much recent research has centered on the burn holes and water marks. करना Ex:  737s either circle to burn off fuel or land overweight. उ:   हर हरह से मनुष्य का सहयोग करना चाहिए। कलविंग Ex:  They help with reduced fuel burn काढना Ex:  Peter Graf, who limited her play so that she would not burn out. किबो Ex:  These areas all burn sulfur-containing coal to generate heat and electricity. क्रोध आना Ex:  A first-degree burn damages the epidermis only गर्म होना Ex:  The metallicity can influence the duration that a star will burn its fuel गलाना Ex:  In all casinos, the dealer will burn a card before the flop, turn, and river. चंचनाना Ex:  Afterburners burn the remaining oxygen after exiting the turbines चित्या Ex:  Not all of the telescope would burn up on re-entry. छाला Ex:  Action burn or state what is burning जरनी Ex:  Action to burn the bodies of the dead जर्णा Ex:  Allow to dry , burn meat जलन पैदा करना Ex:  Art burn on copper or other metals जलन Ex:  Art didactic burn wood उ:   इससे आँखों में जलन और दूरगामी नुकसान होते हैं। जलने का घाव Ex:  Burning wax, burning the candle, burn oil, petroleum, Use candle, candle, an oil lamp or oil to light जलने योग्य होना Ex:  Fire can not burn जला डालना Ex:  From the oil burn जलाकर नष्ट कर देना Ex:  His mind is a tabula rasa where we will burn everything one wishes जलाकर मार डालना Ex:  if after a while he remained on his hand burn marks, he was convicted झुरमाना Ex:  In terms of Medicine, A burn in the second, third degree झुलसाना Ex:  In terms of medicine, it means Who's hot , corrosive speaking substances which have the property burn or disrupt, by chemical action, animal materials डड़ियाना Ex:  It means, by extension, to burn Way डाँभ Ex:  Lead Bloc said, in a specific sense, lead Billot on which the engravers arise and stop the works they want to burn तपाना Ex:  Make a family tree burn ताचना Ex:  Make the hair to a horse, He arranged mane, cut his mane lower legs, tear it or burn his horsehair that are around the jaws दंदारू Ex:  of former Marine Building filled with combustible materials and intended to burn other vessels दगाई Ex:  of Instrument medicine which is used to burn the tissue दग्धव्रण Ex:  Putting, burn an epitaph दाग Ex:  Roast, burn coffee उ:   हानिग्रस्त लोगों को शरीर पर दाग और बालों का झड़ना प्रारंभ हुआ। धरपना Ex:  The one whose profession is to burn धिकवना Ex:  The troubles, sorrows burn the नष्ट हो जाना Ex:  This card has been seen, burn the निपाना Ex:  This said, by extension, the Action burn completely, the entire decomposition of a thing by the action of fire निष्टपन Ex:  This wood does not burn पकाना Ex:  Touch her hands, they burn पादमुद्रा Ex:  vegetable substance that some preparation gives the property to easily take fire and burn slowly पापनाशन Ex:  write, burn to a silver plate, a copper plate पैझना Ex:  You do not want the first map: I burn प्लोष Ex:  , are artificial words which were used to burn more easily in the memory the different species of syllogisms प्लोषण Ex:  , Hands burn him, He is eager to act बनवना ‡पु Ex:  , to be on the grill, experience a great impatience, suffer from waiting as a burn बनाना Ex:  Faire burn pellets, perfumes उ:   यह किफायती प्रक्रिया नहीं है क्योंकि भाप बनाना काफी महंगा पड़ता है। बनावना Ex:  You're not there yet, but you burn बिंटना मगारना मूर्च्छन रुपायन विस्मारण संप्रतापन सरजाना हृत्ताप हृदयदाह हेराफेरी
As verb : आँचना Ex:  You're too young to burn your bridges that way . उजवालना Ex:  Fire cannot burn it, water cannot wet it, and wind cannot dry it. उपचूलन Ex:  Over the next twelve minutes before the TLI burn क्रोध में आना Ex:  A third-degree burn destroys both the epidermis and dermis ख़र्च करना Ex:  Large stars burn their fuel very rapidly and are short-lived. चटका Ex:  This dramatically increased the engine burn time जलना Ex:  Botanical family Cruciferae plant whose seeds provide a good oil to burn and also used in painting उ:   जलना क्या है, इसकी मीमांसा हुई। जला Ex:  Healing burn उ:   उन्हें उस स्त्री के अंतिम शब्द अभी तक जला रहे थे। जलाना Ex:  If burn stirring a firebrand, touching a hot iron डाढ़ना Ex:  Let that fire burn ताचना Ex:  Make the hair to a horse, He arranged mane, cut his mane lower legs, tear it or burn his horsehair that are around the jaws दग्ध Ex:  Pellets burn दग्धक्षेत्र Ex:  Property has a body to burn दहन करना Ex:  Rekindling the fire embers approaching one another to make it burn better दुखित होना Ex:  Small instrument to exhausser candles so that you can burn to the end धखना Ex:  The concentrated acids burn the skin धधकारना Ex:  The death by fire, or, simply and absolutely, Fire, Torment, which was to burn alive the condemned धुखना Ex:  The wood we burn is resolved to ashes and smoke धुधराना Ex:  They say even if burn निष्टपन Ex:  This wood does not burn पजरन Ex:  Utensils which are placed in stacks in pairs to raise the timber and burn more easily प्रज्ज्वलित करना Ex:  You let it burn roasted प्लुष Ex:  You make me burn with small fire, you get excited too long my impatience फफ़ोला Ex:  , If burning, come and burn the candle बरना ‡ ब्लेंक डिस्क पर डाटा संग्रहित करना वह्निकोप वुकुद संघुक्षण संप्रतापन
Other : जला देना Ex:  Getting a burn to the face, hand
Burn ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ki ghaas jise katran bhi kahate hain chane ka vah hara dhodh dilamen achchhi tarah daane na pade hon tape lohe ko chhulaakar kisi ke ang ko aisa jalaana ki chihn pad jaay kisi vastu ke snyojak anuon ko prathak prathak karake use narama, gila ya drav karana kisi kaam ko chalaana kh ses naag jaake kanth maala bahut adhik garmi, aaga, dhoop aadi ki sahaayata se garam karana kisi vastu ke tal par rng ka vah bhed jo thode se sthaan par alag dikhaayi padta hai kisi padaarth ka agni ke snyog se angaare ya lapat ke roop men ho jaana bahut adhik irsha्ya ya daah
Burn synonyms
ignite incinerate light torch melt char blaze smolder scorch sear flicker combust bake rekindle toast scald flash parch singe cremate roast brand cauterize cook broil glow flare enkindle wither flame smoke calcine conflagrate be ablaze reduce to ashes set a match to hurt bite tingle smart boil rage desire lust seethe simmer bristle fume eat up smoulder be angry be aroused be inflamed be passionate be stirred up breathe fire beat take ream chisel bilk trick overreach deceive gyp cozen defraud swindle
Burn antonyms
smother wet stifle subdue aid extinguish put out freeze cool quench help assuage dislike be happy abstain lose give
Usage of Burn in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or intransitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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