Burner meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Burner
As noun : आदीपक Ex:  Use burner to cook the rice
चुल्हा Ex:  The fuel was then pumped into the main burner chamber through 1,224 nozzles ज्वालक Ex:  The incense burner दाहक Ex:  , Put a light, a gas burner nozzle, Lower lights, reduce the उ:   दाहक सोडे का उद्योगों में अनेक प्रकार से उपयोग किया जाता है। दाहकारक प्रुषित बर्नर उ:   ८.चाय का भगोना गैस बर्नर पर रख दे। लैम्प इत्यादि का भाग जिसमें से ज्वाला निकलती है सोजाँ
Other : जलानेवाला Ex:  He invented an early form of what was to become the Bunsen burner
Burner ki paribhasha : laip ka yah ansh jisamen batti lagi rahati hai aur aavashyakataanusaar kamaveshi ki ja sakati hai
Burner synonyms
heater lamp jet warmer cooker gas burner heat unit heating element surface element
Usage of Burner in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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