Burning meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Burning
As noun : अक्षांति Ex:  the burning of leaves was prohibited by a town ordinance
अतिदाह Ex:  Maple wood burns well
She was burning with anger
My eyes are burning
अधर्षणी Ex:  constant stirring prevents it from burning on the bottom of the pan अभ्यसुया Ex:  The match flared briefly before burning out. आदीपक Ex:  Begged for water to soothe his burning throat उपतप्ता Ex:  Jim said he was burning for Sally . उपतापक Ex:  I was just burning for another look at her . ओष Ex:  He clawed off his burning clothes . चंड़ Ex:  Petroleum was known as burning water in Japan in the 7th century. जरनी Ex:  This process of rapid burning is technically known as deflagration. जर्णा Ex:  When you receive this, my burning head will be cold. जलन Ex:  When Napoleon's Grand Army occupies an abandoned and burning Moscow उ:   ये जलन और फफोले संपर्क में आने के कई घंटों बाद दिख सकते हैं। जलानेवाला Ex:  After several days, the Germans switched tactics and began burning down houses. ज्वलन Ex:  For example, he did not believe that flag burning was speech ज्वलन्त Ex:  He eventually relented and instead of burning and killing उ:   यह स्थिति दैवीय प्रकोप नहीं, मानवीय उपेक्षा का एक ज्वलन्त उदाहरण है। दाहक Ex:  All Europe was now burning उ:   दाहक सोडा, जल, इथेनॉल और मिथेनॉल में विलेय है। दाहकारक Ex:  Atmosphere burning दुर्दमनीथ Ex:  By extension, Who gives a strong feeling of warmth, burning दुर्देंड Ex:  Chemistry Gas that enters the composition of the atmosphere, but that alone can not maintain breathing or burning धधकता हुआ Ex:  Chemistry It is said of a body that by combining with another body leads to the burning of the latter पर्बल Ex:  Etching burning clothes प्रदव Ex:  Fire Blanket, Vast area burning प्रबल Ex:  Grand burning oven where heavy fire उ:   लेकिन काउंटियों और एमसीसी प्रबल रहे। प्रुषित Ex:  Hanging a burning प्लोष Ex:  Having cold hands, warm, ice, burning प्लोषण Ex:  He palate, mouth, throat burning everything भास्मकारि Ex:  Here is a burning house वह्निकोप Ex:  I felt a burning सोजाँ Ex:  It also says a timber cluster on which the bodies were placed previously for burning हृत्ताप Ex:  It burns me, burning my hands हृदयदाह Ex:  It is said by analogy A dress burning
As adjective : आदीपित Ex:  A burning fever उश्न Ex:  Fred is just burning with anger . चंड Ex:  Capons were produced by burning out their spurs with a hot iron. जलता हुआ Ex:  About 98% of Ireland's final energy demand is produced by burning coal जुलित Ex:  Then, in 1894, fire swept through Deira, burning down most homes. ज्वलित Ex:  Luther advocated the burning of synagogues and schools तपना Ex:  In 1571, the Crimean Tatars attacked and sacked Moscow, burning everything तापक Ex:  The climate is equatorial, with little rainfall and a burning sun. तापयान Ex:  Need one assume the burning of live children? प्रज्जाल Ex:  Fever burning प्रोद्दीप्त Ex:  Have heart, Have the heart to the trade, work with zeal, with burning संप्रज्वलित Ex:  It also refers to what remains from one end of candle burning ending
Other : उज्ज्वलन Ex:  bravely he went into the burning house उत्तप्त Ex:  Lemonade is very cooling in the burning heat. गरम Ex:  The walls crashed in around the burning house . उ:   इसका प्रयोग गरम मसाला बनाने में भी किया जाता है। गर्म Ex:  The burning beans sure smoked up the house . उ:   ये गर्म एवं शुष्क होती हैं। चहका Ex:  There were many individual fires still burning themselves out जाज्वल्यमान Ex:  36 people died in the disaster, most of them leaping from the burning ship. झलझलाहट Ex:  These symptoms are commonly followed by sensations of burning pain दहन Ex:  A burning climate उ:   होलिका दहन इसी मन्दिर के पास होता है। दाघ Ex:  A burning soul दाह Ex:  A heart burning with love, burning with love उ:   इसमें दक्षिण दिशा की यात्रा तथा शव दाह से कार्य नहीं किए जाते। दाहन Ex:  burning thirst, burning, cruel, pressing
Burning ki paribhasha : bahut adhik garmi, aaanch ya dhoop aadi ke kaaran khoob garam hona daahayukt rajogun vah alnkaar jisamain aadhey ko aadhaar se adhikavarnan karate hai vegon ko tivr karanevaala bahut adhik irsha्ya ya daah
Burning synonyms
scorching flaming searing hot glowing gleaming fiery broiling illuminated alight sizzling blistering heated afire incandescent on fire red-hot torrid conflagrant enkindled flaring oxidizing ignited smoking smouldering aflame in flames white-hot eager earnest ardent fervid feverish frantic frenzied hectic impassioned intense passionate vehement zealous all-consuming caustic piercing irritating sharp biting smarting acrid pungent tingling prickling reeking acute instant pressing compelling crying imperative essential clamant clamorous critical crucial dire exigent importunate significant urgent vital
Burning antonyms
apathetic unimportant cold cool dull unexcited unconcerned unenthusiastic kind calm mild nice low bland optional inessential secondary
Usage of Burning in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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