Burnished meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Burnished
As verb : अर्चिमान Ex:  His time in prison burnished his reputation and helped his cause.
आभात Ex:  Poli a work which was burnished उजिहिरा Ex:  Sugar melted in very little water and burnished by the action of fire उद्दीप्र Ex:  The matt and burnished with a piece of jewelry उन्मयूख Ex:  The sun has burnished her complexion चमकता हुआ Ex:  The tan has burnished her complexion झिलामिला ताबनाक देदोप्यमान प्रधूपित मुलम्मा रख्शाँ राजमान समुज्ज्वल सुवर्चस्क सुवर्च्चस्क स्फुरत्
Burnished synonyms
shine rub glaze furbish gloss smooth wax glance luster sheen buff patina put on a finish
Burnished antonyms
tarnish dull
Usage of Burnished in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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