Bus meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bus
As noun : अग्नियान Ex:  The bus is reaching the terminus.
उड़नखटोला Ex:  The bus thundered down the road.
The river thundered below.
देवरथ Ex:  We arrived at the museum in a bus . प्रस्तर पथ गामी Ex:  The car crashed into a bus . फौंछना Ex:  The bus stopped, and I got on . बस बय का काम करना Ex:  The bus swerved into a truck . बस में चढ़ना Ex:  There are two bus companies बस में भेंजना Ex:  There are bus routes to nearby towns such as Baniyas बस से जाना Ex:  Seventeen bus benches promoting the album in Fullerton बस से ले जाना Ex:  There are 59 railway stations and 15 bus stations in the metropolitan area. बस Ex:  Only Koror maintains a bus service. उ:   यहां पर दो बस स्टैंड हैं। बस्स ‡ Ex:  The airport can be reached by car, bus or train. बिमानु Ex:  There is a public bus system that connects the main roads वाढम् Ex:  Taking their musical equipment in an old bus विमाँन Ex:  The Merry Pranksters filmed and audiotaped their bus trips विमान Ex:  Metallica's tour bus skidded out of control उ:   भैंसरोली गाँव के ऊपर विमान में आग लग गई थी।
As verb : बस से लाना ले जाना Ex:  The airport is connected by bus to the city center. मोटर गाड़ी Ex:  It works by combining local bus lines, main bus lines and the Metro network. लोकयान Ex:  The local government currently outsources the only public bus system सर्वयान Ex:  The Victory Monument in Bangkok is one of the city's biggest bus destinations.
Other : गाड़ी Ex:  The bus stopped with a jerk. बस से सफ़र करना Ex:  A bus tour of the city was made available in 2007 साफ़ करना Ex:  Virtually all cities and provinces are easily reached by bus from Bangkok.
Bus ki paribhasha : aakaashamaarg se gaman karanevaala rath jo devataaon aadi ke paas hota hai vah lnbi motar jisapar log aavaagaman karate hain
Bus synonyms
Usage of Bus in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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