Busy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Busy
As noun : ब्यस्त Ex:  Wild's office in the Old Bailey was a busy spot. उ:   उन्होने फिजी में एक अत्यन्त ब्यस्त समय बिताया।
As verb :
अलंकिय Ex:  The workplace is busy with activities. अलंकृत Ex:  He is busy in potting plants. उ:   वे सामान्य खजुराहो अलंकारों से अलंकृत है। कार्यरत Ex:  European politicians are busy in Euro-election. उ:   ३३ प्रतिशत जनसंख्या इसी में कार्यरत है। चालू Ex:  Fred is such a blow-off!  Get busy . उ:   यह कार्यक्रम आज भी चालू है। टाँग अड़ाऊ Ex:  This was such a busy day . दस्तंदाज Ex:  I'm so busy these days . विभूषी Ex:  Although busy with The Gates of Hell, Rodin won other commissions. व्यस्त रखना Ex:  After emigration, Rachmaninoff had an extremely busy concert schedule. व्यस्त रहना Ex:  Due to his busy concert career शुभंभावुक Ex:  The 76-year-old leader, is a very busy man these days . संशोमित Ex:  All the hours are marked says a busy person different things each of which has its appointed time सवेश Ex:  Always have air busy सवेष Ex:  busy हस्तक्षेप करनेवाला Ex:  By extension, a very busy life
As adjective : काम में लगा हुआ Ex:  The womenfolk in the village are busy with their domestic chores. धंधे में लगा हुआ Ex:  Stop messing around and get busy . मगन Ex:  The Romans were also busy in Northern Wales मसरूफ़ Ex:  At particularly busy occasions व्यस्त Ex:  MGM kept Garland busy with promotional tours and the shooting of Babes in Arms. उ:   डरबन दक्षिण अफ्रीका का सबसे व्यस्त बंदरगाह भी है। व्यायत Ex:  Shanghai gradually became a busy seaport
Other : काम में लगाना Ex:  He is busy with his polyphony. कामकाजी Ex:  Aman is busy with work. उ:   इंडोनेशिया के खिलाफ प्रतिरोध की एक कामकाजी भाषा भी थी। गरम होना Ex:  During elections every party is busy pulverising its opponents. फुर्तीला Ex:  I'm too busy these days . मग्न Ex:  1941 was a busy year for the actress लगा रहना Ex:  It has a busy banking, insurance sector, and a Stock exchange. व्यापृत Ex:  Wilson Airport is a small, busy airport to the south of Nairobi.
Busy ki paribhasha : idhar udhara, aage pichhe ya oopar niche kiya hua
Busy synonyms
unavailable working occupied engrossed persevering buried employed hustling assiduous diligent industrious on duty swamped overloaded snowed slaving already taken at it having a full plate having fish to fry having many irons in the fire in a meeting in conference in the field in the laboratory on assignment tied up with a customer having enough on one's plate in someone else's possession up to one's ears lively hectic restless humming tiring energetic fussy strenuous tireless bustling popping busy as a beaver curious forward interfering meddling stirring prying inquisitive intrusive meddlesome obtrusive officious pushy troublesome snoopy butting in nebby
Busy antonyms
idle inactive unemployed lazy unoccupied quiet unengaged unbusy
Usage of Busy in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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