By chance meaning in hindi

How to pronounce By chance
As noun : अचानक ही Ex:  Since this is something unlikely to happen by chance
As adverb :
अकस्मात Ex:  We met by chance in a class in college . आकसमात Ex:  If by chance it had someone आकस्मात Ex:  If by chance you were to meet with दैववश Ex:  If the secret were to be found, If by chance the secret was discovered संयोग से Ex:  It was by chance that I dug this curious
Other : आ पडना Ex:  Music which contains elements selected by chance is called Aleatoric music आ पड़ना Ex:  FIND also means Meet, discovered by chance someone, something we did not seek संयोगवश Ex:  Make a happy encounter, a happy encounter, by chance Find what you looking for and we did not expect to find soon
By chance synonyms
accidentally unexpectedly unintentionally unwittingly as luck would have it by a fluke by coincidence by mistake for some reason fortuitously out of the clear blue sky
Usage of By chance in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
Word of the day

Van Aken 26 March, 2025 Tags: chance meaning in hindi, chance ka matalab hindi me, hindi meaning of chance, chance meaning dictionary. chance in hindi. Translation and meaning of chance in English hindi dictionary.
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