By meaning in hindi
As noun : उप Ex: inflicted by gram sabha उ: यहां एक उप तहसील है।
के जरिए Ex: Renunciation of Kingdom by Buddha. नज़दीक Ex: Official documents are sealed by government. उ: कोकिलावन भी इसके बहुत नज़दीक है। बी Ex: Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930 उ: बी एम सी शहर की पेय जलापूर्ति करता है।
As adverb : अंति Ex: Now days English is developing by leaps and bounds. अंति Ex: Now days English is developing by leaps and bounds. अतिरिक्त Ex: Both sides of the street were lined by vineyards. उ: संस्कृत की तरह एक अतिरिक्त "द्विवचन" नहीं होता। अभ्यग्र Ex: He was completely riveted by her tale. अभ्यर्ण Ex: Sarky behaviour is not liked by people. अभ्याश Ex: He was flabbergasted by looking at the decorations done at the party. अयुज Ex: I was stunned by his corpse. अर्वाक Ex: plains fertilized by annual inundations अर्वाक Ex: plains fertilized by annual inundations असन्निकर्ष Ex: Oppresive rules are imposed by the rulers on the people. उपकंठ Ex: He traded on by selling his bicycle . उपगुरु Ex: There are many deformities caused by inbreeding. ऐडिशनल Ex: The refugees were displaced by war. ओढ Ex: `Mars 2001 Langermission is carried on by NASA. के अनुसार Ex: Insulin is secreted by Pancreas. के द्वारा Ex: The assailants were nabbed by the army. के निकट Ex: analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare के भितर Ex: multiply 10 by 15 ग्वैंड़ी Ex: Liquor drinking was legalized by the government. ठाँउँ, ठाँऊँ Ex: The bricks are moulded by hand. ढिग Ex: I was stunned by her beauty. ढिग Ex: I was stunned by her beauty. ढौकित Ex: The prisoners were abacinated by their captors तक Ex: Strokes played by Martina mings are exciting. उ: गुवाहाटी तक रेल के माध्यम से पहुंचा जा सकता है। तग Ex: Her boss intimidates her by threats. ता Ex: A pro-term speaker was appointed by the president. उ: कुछ फिल्में जिसमें वो थी, फ़ना, ता रा रम पम, राजनीति। ताँईं Ex: Poker is generally played by two members. ताँईं Ex: Poker is generally played by two members. निकट Ex: Blackbucks are culled by hunters उ: घाटमपुर के सबसे निकट चकेरी एयरपोर्ट स्थित है। निड़ा Ex: Gifts are always welcomed by children. परजंत Ex: Pseudo Naxalites were caught by the people. पर्यत Ex: The Team was not demoralized by the defeat. पर्यत Ex: The Team was not demoralized by the defeat. पादांतिक Ex: The platoons were led by the lieutinant. पास में Ex: Once the distances to nearby clusters have been established फुजला Ex: I have twenty pounds in my pocket.
Apples are sold by the pound. बगल में Ex: She was quizzed by the teacher. बगल से Ex: I am glanned by your achievements. बाजु Ex: Now-a-days prolatariat are dominated by the technology. मुत्तसिल Ex: Children are playing on the sea-shore by making sandcastle. ले ‡ Ex: stung by a bee. लौँ Ex: Children are playing on the sea-shore by making sandcastles. समर्यद Ex: His advances were rebuffed by the girl. समीप Ex: He has cross-checked his answers by using a calculator. उ: झील के समीप असंख्य बल्ली आवासगृह हैं। सविध Ex: People should soiree by 6 p.m. सविध Ex: People should soiree by 6 p.m. सवेश Ex: Experiment is supported by theory. सवेश Ex: Experiment is supported by theory. साचि Ex: He is shunned by his friends. सामीप Ex: Don't be fooled by Jim's f lowery promises . से होकर Ex: She hedged herself in by her own behavior . स्यो Ex: 7% by Muslims, 19% by Eurasians , and 29% by Europeans. हजूरा Ex: Governed by the Board of Control for Cricket in India में उ: हिन्दी में इनके उच्चारण थोड़े भिन्न होते हैं। पास उ: झील के पास रूकने की कोई व्यवस्था नहीं है।
Apples are sold by the pound. बगल में Ex: She was quizzed by the teacher. बगल से Ex: I am glanned by your achievements. बाजु Ex: Now-a-days prolatariat are dominated by the technology. मुत्तसिल Ex: Children are playing on the sea-shore by making sandcastle. ले ‡ Ex: stung by a bee. लौँ Ex: Children are playing on the sea-shore by making sandcastles. समर्यद Ex: His advances were rebuffed by the girl. समीप Ex: He has cross-checked his answers by using a calculator. उ: झील के समीप असंख्य बल्ली आवासगृह हैं। सविध Ex: People should soiree by 6 p.m. सविध Ex: People should soiree by 6 p.m. सवेश Ex: Experiment is supported by theory. सवेश Ex: Experiment is supported by theory. साचि Ex: He is shunned by his friends. सामीप Ex: Don't be fooled by Jim's f lowery promises . से होकर Ex: She hedged herself in by her own behavior . स्यो Ex: 7% by Muslims, 19% by Eurasians , and 29% by Europeans. हजूरा Ex: Governed by the Board of Control for Cricket in India में उ: हिन्दी में इनके उच्चारण थोड़े भिन्न होते हैं। पास उ: झील के पास रूकने की कोई व्यवस्था नहीं है।
Other : के अनुसार. Ex: Valmiki was waylaid by the thieves के हिसाब से Ex: I was bitten by a gnat. चिरवाना Ex: It is eaten by mouses. जन्म से Ex: Rocks scored by a Glacier. तँ Ex: He was strong-armed by the policemen तँ Ex: He was strong-armed by the policemen तईँ Ex: We were jostled by the crowd. तैँ Ex: Major issues are trivialized by the media. त्या Ex: The cars hurtled by दै Ex: King Harishchandra was not tempted by the riches. उ: दै दिवान पद थामि सुचैना, धर्म पूत मनुसा रन लैना। द्वारा Ex: He impresses everybody by his gallantry. उ: जिज्ञासाओं के ऋषियों द्वारा खोजे हुए उत्तर हैं। पास में या साथ में Ex: She came and sat by me. ब Ex: Enhansments in taxes were followed by representations. उ: वर्तमान में यहां एक बोट क्ल ब है जहां नौकायन का आनंद लिया जा सकता है। मूजिब Ex: He was floored by the argument. साथ Ex: We went to Mumbai by air. उ: ये एक साथ ही पले और बढ़े और आजीवन मित्र रहे। से Ex: Hey, man! How's by you? John: Just fine, Fred . उ: से सीधे सीधे ड्राइव कर सकते हैं । सेँति, सेँती Ex: Stick by your principles, Fred . सोँ ‡ Ex: How are you doing? Mary: Been getting by . हुंता Ex: After centuries of developments by Babylonian and Greek astronomers हुंता Ex: After centuries of developments by Babylonian and Greek astronomers हुते Ex: In 1999, Ford was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Bill Clinton. हुते Ex: In 1999, Ford was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Bill Clinton.
By ki paribhasha : snbndh men jisase vishesh antar na ho bhedon ke baal katarane ki kainchi ka dasta ek vibhakti jo kisi vastu ya vyaapaar ki sima athava avadhi soochit karati hai kaamadev ki patni ka naam
ExamplesUsage of By in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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