By myself meaning in hindi

How to pronounce By myself
As noun : अकलैमूल Ex:  I sat at the table by myself .
अकसरुआ Ex:  I walked away from the concert by myself . अकेला Ex:  I want to convince myself by myself even उ:   उस समय वो बिल्कुल अकेला जीवन गुजार रहे थे। अयुज इकलो एकलड़ीपु एकौझा एकौसा ऐकत छायाद्वितीय धंधार पृथक्चर मुजर्रद मुफरद विरहविधुर सुविविक्त
By myself ki paribhasha : jisake saath koi na ho bina saathi ka
Usage of By myself in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi. 
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