Cab meaning in hindi
As noun : एक घोडे की गाडी Ex:  let book a cab online from
एक घोड़े की गाड़ी Ex:  We took a cab to the railway station. किराये की कार Ex:  The King, somewhat of a railbuff, rode in the cab when possible. कैब Ex:  Abuja also has a running and efficient BRT and green cab system. उ: यहां आप कैब या बस ले सकते हैं। गाड़ी का अगला भाग Ex:  counter that registers the path provided by a cab and indicates, according to this distance and after the elapsed time, the amount payable घोड़ Ex:  Tick cab घोड़ा गाड़ी टैक्सी उ: बस स्टैंड और रेलवे स्टेशन पर टैक्सी मिल सकती है। बग्घी
Other : गाडी Ex:  The cab word is that the first coaches of this species were stored in the image Saint Fiacre उ: पासपोर्ट, गाडी चलाने के लाइसेंस आदि भी आनलाइन भरे जा रहे हैं। गाड़ी Ex:  The number of a cab
ExamplesCab synonyms
carriage hack taxi taxicab jitney hackney tourist car Usage of Cab in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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