Cackle meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cackle
As noun : कुड़कुड़ाना Ex:  Action cackle
खिखियाना Ex:  Fold the cackle गलगौज Ex:  She has a sharp cackle चेँ चेँ Ex:  Women who only cackle चेँपेँ झकजक डफोल बकताई बकनी बकबक बकवास मगजचट्टी मुँहचटौवल
Cackle ki paribhasha : char char shabd ke saath lakadi aadi todna kisi anuchit ya apriy baat ko dekh ya sunakar bhitar hi bhitar kshubdh hona
Cackle synonyms
giggle guffaw quack chortle cluck snicker crow snigger gobble titter gibber chuckle blather burble babble jabber
Usage of Cackle in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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