Caesura meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Caesura
As noun : छन्द में विराम Ex:  The measurement of the classic French Alexandrine is twelve syllables, with a caesura appointed resting between the sixth and seventh syllable
निर्जितेंद्रियग्राम Ex:  There is a caesura A rest at the end of the first half-line यति उ:   यति बिना भोजन किए जाने लगा। श्रमण
Caesura ki paribhasha : chhndon ke charanon men vah sthaan jahaaan padhate samaya, unaki lay thik rakhane ke liye, thod sa vishraam hota hai
Caesura synonyms
break pause stop rest interval
Caesura antonyms
Usage of Caesura in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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