Cafeteria meaning in hindi
As noun : अल्पहार―गृह Ex: a noisy cafeteria
अल्पाहा Ex: This is our cafeteria . आहारिका Ex: When the cafeteria bombs failed कहवाखाना Ex: He then continued down the staircase and entered the cafeteria कैफ़ेटेरिया Ex: As Klebold stepped into the cafeteria उ: साथ में एक कैफ़ेटेरिया भी है। जलपानघर Ex: As the two left the cafeteria जलपानशाला Ex: They left the cafeteria and headed back upstairs.
ExamplesCafeteria synonyms
snack bar commissary cafã© lunch counter lunchroom tea room Usage of Cafeteria in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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