Cage meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cage
As noun : उत्थापक Ex:  A cage usually made of wood and wire mesh for small animals
कटघरा Ex:  We are going to have to cage in the dogs . कठघर Ex:  A little puppy peered out at them from the cage . कठघरा Ex:  Isaac A. Van Amburgh entered a cage with several big cats in 1833 कारागार Ex:  If the chickens stayed in their cage उ:   कारागार की दीवारों पर वीर शहीदों के नाम लिखे हैं। कारागृह Ex:  Captive parrots can be kept in a cage or aviary. उ:   यहाँ कारागृह तथा कार्यालयों की इमारतें अच्छी हालत में हैं। काष्ठागार Ex:  The shark instead destroys the cage केज Ex:  Originally, the script had the shark killing Hooper in the shark cage उ:   डुचैम्प और केज ने कृत्य के प्रीमियर पर इस खेल को खेला। खटोला Ex:  After its cage has been cleaned झाँपे में डालना Ex:  �I've put you in the cage because I'm so fond of you . झाँपे में रखना Ex:  Enclose in a cage पक्षिशाला Ex:  In terms of hunting, he said of a bird that is put in a cage in the middle a wooden or campaign, that through his song he attracts other birds in nets set to take the पिंजडा Ex:  It also designates by extension a dark and narrow place, a cage where one wishes to fatten poultry पिंजडे में रखना Ex:  It also expresses a circular or square cage Species trimmed windows and stained glass, and placed on top of a building to illuminate the interior from above पिंजरा Ex:  Kind large cage where one feeds the birds for pleasure पिंजरे में बंद करना Ex:  Own cage to hatching canaries पिंजरे में रखना Ex:  Put a bird in a cage पिंजड़ा Ex:  Put a bird in its cage पिंजड़े में रखना Ex:  Put a horse in the stable, in the stable ; a bird in a cage, cage पींजरा Ex:  The cage of a steeple, The structural assembly that forms the body of a bell बंदीगृह Ex:  The door of a cage उ:   कुछ समय तक उसने बंदीगृह के भी कष्ट भोगे। बंधनवेश्म Ex:  They say The same cage of a windmill बंधनागार, बंधनालय Ex:  This lion was transported to Europe in a cage ब‌ंदीकोष्ठ वधांगक वारूढ़ ढाँचा उ:   ढाँचा दीवार पर स्थित झझंरी द्वारा ऊपर नीचे खिसकता है।
As verb : बन्द करना Ex:  Windmill Pillar, masonry Massif finished cone, which is running the cage a windmill
Other : कटहरा Ex:  The gorilla came at the cage and shook the bars . डोली Ex:  Feeding a squirrel cage पंजर Ex:  He shut his prisoner in an iron cage
Cage ki paribhasha : striyon ke baithane ki ek savaari jise kahaar kndhon par uthaakar le chalate hain ek prakaar ki chhoti machhali jo uttari bhaarat aur aasaam ki nadiyon men paayi jaati hai kaath ka ghera jisamen lohe va lakadi ke chhad lage hon bad pinjad jisamen jngali jaanavar rakha ja sake kisi vastu ki rachana ki praarnbhik avastha men sthool roop se snyojit angon ki samashti lohe, baaans aadi ki tiliyon ka bana hua jhaaba jisamen pakshi paale jaate hain ek praachin desh ka naam jo buandelakhnd ke antargat tha
Cage synonyms
crate pen jail coop corral fold mew pound pinfold incarcerate hem envelop immure enclose imprison restrain confine impound shut up coop up close in fence in lock up shut in
Cage antonyms
release liberate free let go let out
Usage of Cage in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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