Calculating meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Calculating
As verb : अंटीबाज Ex:  The teacher taught calculating quotient in division.
अठकपाली Ex:  A smal divice used for calculating उपाधिक Ex:  He's busy calculating on a serious problem . कापट Ex:  A remarkable record was set by the calculating prodigy Zacharias Dase कारुचौर Ex:  Pythagoras viewed thinking as the calculating with the idea numbers. कूटच्छदमा Ex:  He also discovered a new formula for calculating pi. कृहक Ex:  The GDP calculating Parity Purchasing Power method चालक Ex:  Calculation error, inaccuracy, failure in calculating उ:   निम्नप्रतिरोधकता का अर्थ चालक तरल से भरी सरंध्र रचना है। चुडुक्का Ex:  He said again, figuratively and familiarly to anyone who embarks on a risky affair without calculating the consequences छलछदी Ex:  He was calculating on his fingers that cost him this purchase छलहाई Ex:  Identify one thing by calculating छित्वर Ex:  They are used in particular for calculating जर्राक धूतारा धूर्त पचकल्यानी ‡ पुरफन प्रपंचबुद्धि फरफदी बिड़ बैठकबाज मुफ्तरी मुरशिद मौष्टिक लड्ड वंचथ वक्रधी वाणिजिक विवंचिषु विसंवादी शय्याद श्वेतभिक्षु षड्यंत्रकारी सव्याज सैलूष हूर्छिता
As adjective : अग्रसोची Ex:  Brittle bones
A brittle and calculating woman
परिकलन उ:   परिकलन में सरकारी और निजी, दोनों भुगतान शामिल किए जाते हैं। बिना उत्तेजनावाला मतलबी
Other : अभिकलन Ex:  Rana is the most calculating and selfish boy in our class. उ:   अभिकलन के विभिन्न मॉडलों में भिन्न कार्य करने की क्षमता होती है। गणक Ex:  Machines for calculating fixed numerical tasks परिगणन स्वार्थी
Calculating ki paribhasha : jo keval apane hit ka dhyaan rakhana ho
Calculating synonyms
wily shrewd canny devious considerate guarded designing machiavellian artful careful cautious chary circumspect crafty cunning discreet gingerly intelligent politic safe sharp sly wary guileful manipulative contriving premeditating
Calculating antonyms
foolish honest artless naive unassuming open uncalculating
Usage of Calculating in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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