Call it a day meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Call it a day
As noun :
संन्यास लेना
Call it a day synonyms
discontinue terminate refrain desist fail break off finish die drop culminate stay surcease back off close out knock off leave off shut down wind up intermit bring to an end call it quits come to an end cut it out give over pack in quit cold turkey shutter cap clear clinch fold ultimate determine consummate call off cut loose wrap up button down button up drop the curtain fold up pack it in put a lid on put to bed sew up wind down execute finalize perform develop settle accomplish realize achieve perfect crown equip effectuate actualize elaborate supplement refine fulfill discharge furnish make up round off bring to fruition bring to maturity carry off do thoroughly get through go the limit go through with go whole hog make good round out cinch bring down curtain draw to close put the lid on top off break up delay expire resolve relinquish perorate abolish abort interrupt postpone dissolve cut short dispose of give up get done pull the plug switch off bar suspend arrest stem adjourn stall curb impede hamper block obstruct punctuate pause balk frustrate check wait draw up hold back pull up blow the whistle on bring to standstill cease fire close down cool it drop anchor hold at bay put a cork in stand still retire withdraw abandon resign secede get on the wagon give notice hang it up kick over kick the habit take the cure kill scrub tarry cut out put an end to be over blow off come to a standstill run its course sign off
Call it a day antonyms
complete persevere restart commence create continue do carry on begin bear open go initiate keep on release unseal disjoin disunite unclose unplug unstop not finish ignore unsettle ruin fail miss neglect abandon leave introduce forget give up preface advance give birth permit aid further stimulate urge assist carry out allow encourage let go help support promote forward push speak smoothly remain rise pursue come stay
Usage of Call it a day in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
Word of the day

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