Calm meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Calm
As noun : अकामहत Ex:  Ram had the innate qualities of being calm all the time.
अकूज Ex:  the situation is relatively calm now अक्षीब Ex:  After the bomb explosion there is an edgy calm in the capital. अचंचलता Ex:  The convent is a calm cloister. अड़िग Ex:  The situation calls for calm discussion not for sabre ratting. अड़ोल Ex:  This place is so calm that you can even hear the flutter of wings of the birds. अतप Ex:  I like the calm of midnight. अतापी Ex:  Now let's be calm and try to reason this out . अतिकोप Ex:  The mixing of blue with yellow gives the total immobility and the calm अनिंगित Ex:  "Gabe" can receive memories from Jonas, which he uses to help calm the baby. अनिर्वात Ex:  Without calm in the region अनुद्धत Ex:  Since then it has continued to alternate between eruptive and calm periods. अनुद्धर्ष Ex:  Supported by a calm but firm conviction of the usefulness of his labors. अनौद्धत्य Ex:  Mandela addressed the nation appealing for calm अयुव Ex:  His calm court demeanor earned him the nickname of the "Ice Man" or "Ice-Borg". अरोर Ex:  The wind is calm about 35% of the time अविवादी Ex:  The early morning calm on the isthmus during settled weather इस्तिहकाम Ex:  Calm down, calm the fermentation of minds गुप Ex:  calm the passions चित्तनिर्वृति Ex:  Fit the head, resting the mind, relax the soul, Get her calm चुप करना Ex:  Having the head, Have judgment and calm ठंडा करना Ex:  He always studied calm ठहराव Ex:  He tried to appear calm उ:   इससे पानी का ठहराव अधिक होता है और जुताई भी अधिक सुगमता से होती है। ठेर Ex:  Heavenly Blue, the color of blue that the sky appears to be when the weather is very calm ढाढस बँधाना Ex:  His mood is usually calm तशखींश Ex:  His voice, his tone is lowered as his mind becomes calm तसल्ली देना Ex:  In terms of Marine, Filer oil, Spread a layer of oil on the waves around a ship to calm थापणि Ex:  In terms of Navy, he said, by analogy, a very low Wind follows or precedes the calm थीती Ex:  intransitively also said: The calm sea, The sea mounts nor descends थैरज Ex:  It also means Give yourself time to calm down, to return to reason थ्यावस Ex:  It can be intransitive in terms of Marine and serve Become calm दारमदार Ex:  It is a very calm man दिलासा देना Ex:  It is also used figuratively to mean a stop or calm succeeding a period of activity or unrest धीमा करना Ex:  It speaks of a calm tone धीमाएना Ex:  Looking in vain to calm the ध्रुवका Ex:  momentary calm that Marine follows a very strong wind blow निभृत Ex:  Possession of oneself, of calm soul निरिग Ex:  Remain calm in the storm निरुस्तुक Ex:  sit is used figuratively and means Rest, calm down, put in a quiet निरूपद्रवी Ex:  Soothe, calm the populace निर्वात Ex:  Stay calm उ:   बाद में इसी सिद्धान्त पर निर्वात डायोड और ट्रायोड बने। निर्वृति Ex:  The air is calm निश्चल Ex:  The calm indifference उ:   यस्का लेखक तथा निर्देशक निश्चल बस्नेत हैं। निश्चलता Ex:  The calm is more dangerous in the summer than in other seasons नैश्चल्य Ex:  The calm reappears परथिर Ex:  The distractions of the journey made me a little calm प्रबोधना Ex:  The poets pretended that halcyons made the sea calm as they made their nests प्रशांत मंडल Ex:  The quiet of the countryside is unique to calm the nervous प्रशांति Ex:  The sea is calm उ:   प्रशांति निलयम, का सरल भाषा में अर्थ " उच्चतम शांति का धाम" है। प्रशान्त मंडल Ex:  The sea is calm प्रशान्त Ex:  The sea was calm उ:   प्रशान्त महासागर में लगभग १००० द्वीप हैं। प्रश्रयो Ex:  This man was apparently calm बुझरिया Ex:  This new, far from grieving, he remained calm and still मल्हराना Ex:  This phrase means figuratively Very little is sometimes sufficient to calm a great quarrel रफा दफा Ex:  To calm public outrage विक्रोध Ex:  violent exercise, to induce him to calm down, to regain his senses विरामण Ex:  We are in a dead calm व्युपरत Ex:  Who is clear, soft, pure and calm व्य़ुपरम Ex:  , is as good as gold, said of a quiet and calm Child शं Ex:  Absolument, This is not unique to calm शमधर Ex:  Apaiser, restoring peace calm शमप्रधान Ex:  Calm wind began to calm शां Ex:  It is calm and resigned शांत करना शांत वायु शांत होना शांत उ:   गुरु जी शांत और गंभीर स्वभाव के स्वामी थे। शांतता शांतमय शांति उ:   शांति स्‍तूप के निकट ही वेणु वन है। शान्ती उ:   सन १९६२ में उन्को शान्ती का नोबेल पुरस्कार भी मिली। शि शीतीभाव संप्रसाद सन्नाटा उ:   सन्नाटा १९६६ में बनी हिन्दी भाषा की फिल्म है। साँत साँती साति सामाधान सितलाय सियरी सीनासाफ सीरापु सुकून उ:   उसका शासन यहूदियों को लिए भी एक सुकून का समय था। सुचित्त सुन मान स्तिमित स्तिमितत्व स्तैमित्य स्थाम स्थास्नुता स्थिरता उ:   इसी से डी एन ए की स्थिरता बनी रहती है। स्थेमा हाल्ट उ:   सिवान या छपरा से नजदीकी रेलवे स्टेशन महेंद्रनाथ हाल्ट है।
As adjective : असंभ्रम Ex:  Weather in the eye is normally calm and free of clouds नितिन Ex:  Nothing disturbs the serenity of his days, Nothing disturbs the calm he enjoys उ:   २०१४ से नितिन गडकरी शिपिंग मंत्री है। शान्त उ:   शान्त और कोमल आवाज़ में बोलें।
Other : अव्याकुल Ex:  At that time, generally, a solemn stillness holds, and a perfect calm prevails. इतमीनान Ex:  After so many troubles the country enjoyed a deep calm उपशम Ex:  calm the उपशांति Ex:  calm the effervescence of the passions निराकुल Ex:  Reduce, mitigate, calm निर्वेग Ex:  The calm attitude of the nation baffled agitators निश्चिंतता Ex:  The calm of a good conscience नीरव Ex:  The calm prevailed on his face विश्रांत Ex:  Who calm the physical sense and moral sense शान्ति उ:   उन्हे लेनिन शान्ति पुरस्कार एवं बलजन पुरस्कार भी मिले हैं। स्थिर उ:   बाद के शासकों के तहत व्यापार में राज्य स्थिर और फला-फूला।
Calm ki paribhasha : jyotish men vrash sinha, vrashchik aur kunbh ye chaar raashiyaaan, jo sthir maani gai hain man ki vah uttam tatha priy anubhooti jisake dvaara anubhav karanevaale ka vishesh samaadhaan aur sntosh hota hai aur jisake baraabar bane rahane ki vah kaamana karata hai kisi prakaar ki gita, halachal ya upadrav ka na hona hava ke jor se chalane ki aavaaj adhik nahin aadi arthon ka soochak avyay jo jara bhi na hile dule
Calm synonyms
serene slow smooth soothing mild harmonious placid tranquil low-key pastoral bucolic hushed pacific halcyon still bland breathless inactive motionless quiescent restful rural undisturbed unruffled breezeless reposing at a standstill at peace in order reposeful stormless waveless windless levelheaded temperate unflappable impassive relaxed gentle sedate laid-back aloof amiable moderate amicable kind patient satisfied neutral detached collected pleased civil disinterested dispassionate equable imperturbable inscrutable listless self-possessed unconcerned unemotional unmoved untroubled cool-headed poised cool as cucumber unexcitable unexcited unimpressed peace of mind tranquility patience stillness calmness serenity restraint silence lull doldrums peacefulness stoicism impassivity placidity imperturbation mitigate placate appease assuage relieve steady soothe settle alleviate pacify mollify allay balm tranquilize soft-pedal stroke becalm quieten cool it cool out lay back simmer down take it easy take the edge off
Calm antonyms
agitated excited nervous fierce frenzied stormy angry excitable worried rough uncool harsh violent turbulent wild furious mad passionate roused ruffled upset immoderate excessive unfriendly biased unreasonable uncontrolled troubled disturbance noise agitation frustration clamor anger madness restlessness terror violence loudness wildness storminess turbulence incite increase intensify worsen worry disquiet distract inflame outrage aggravate irritate provoke
Usage of Calm in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun, verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb, adjective or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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