Candy meaning in hindi
As noun : कलाकन्द Ex:  I brought a box of candy home to the children .
कैंडी Ex:  The candy was brought home to Lily by Ken . उ: दोनों संस्करण कैंडी स्टोर्स और सुपरमार्केट में उपलब्ध हैं। कैन्डी Ex:  Tommy and Billy divided the candy fifty-fifty . खांड Ex:  I know I hadn't oughta stolen that candy . खाण्डक Ex:  John eats candy all the time . खंड Ex:  This job is like taking candy from a kid . टफ़ी Ex:  We all raced to Mary, who had the candy . टॉफ़ी Ex:  The delicious candy sold like hotcakes . पागना Ex:  She snatched the candy from the child . मिश्रि Ex:  There are two main jobs associated with creating chocolate candy मिश्री Ex:  He sold candy and newspapers on trains running from Port Huron to Detroit उ: मिश्री स्वाभाविक रूप से ही मिठास का उपमान है। मिसरी Ex:  His parents owned a succession of candy stores मुरब्बा पकाना Ex:  By analogy, Gaver a candy child
Other : कन्द Ex:  He blew the whole five dollars on candy . उ: कन्द में आयरन, कैल्शियम, तथा विटामिन ‘सी’ पाया जाता है। रवेदार बनाना Ex:  Caramel candy Kind
Candy ki paribhasha : dobaara bahut saaph karake kooje ya thaal men jamaayi hoou daanedaar ya ravedaar chini kisi vishay men atynd anurakt hona 3918 bhaav
ExamplesCandy synonyms
sweet bonbon confectionery jawbreaker sweetmeat confit hokum Usage of Candy in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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