Canon meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Canon
As noun : आर्डिनेंस Ex:  the neoclassical canon
एकट Ex:  Nintendo has erased them from the Zelda canon एक्ट Ex:  Listed below and under non-Canon works by canon Oz authors उ:   इस मुकदमें का नतीजा सेक्युरिटी सर्विस एक्ट १९८९ का आधार बना। ऐक्ट Ex:  Baroque music forms a major portion of the classical music canon कानून Ex:  This council did not rely on the original Pali canon . उ:   यह सविंदा कानून के अन्दर आता है। ग्रंथ संग्रह Ex:  Another form, the caccia was written for two voices in a canon at the unison. दंडशास्त्र Ex:  According to the Mahaparinibbana Sutta of the Pali canon धर्म नियम Ex:  In several other suttas of the Pali canon धर्म सिद्धांत Ex:  Holding the office of canon पादरी Ex:  Eight of the ten pages of the canon tables have extensive decoration. उ:   उसका पिता एक प्रसिद्ध पादरी था। प्रतिष्ठित नियम Ex:  The Eusebian canon tables normally require twelve pages. प्रनियम Ex:  The last two canon tables are presented within a grid. रेगुलेशन Ex:  Jehovah's Witnesses consider the entire Biblical canon वैध ‡ Ex:  Jehovah's Witnesses consider the entire Biblical canon हब्स बेजा Ex:  Whitman is among the most influential poets in the American canon
Other : नियम Ex:  Breves causae , Argumenta , and Eusebian canon tables. उ:   ये नियम अत्यंत कड़े हैं।
Canon ki paribhasha : bhalibhaaanti soch vichaar kar sthir kiya hua mat isaayi dharm ka purohit jo any isaaiyon ka jaatakarm aadi snskaar aur upaasana karaata hai raajy men shaanti rakhane ka niyam
Canon synonyms
precept tenet formula maxim doctrine dictate table decree ordinance regulation commandment catalogue criterion yardstick roll standard dogma declaration law statute list assize principle order touchstone screed decretum oeuvre anthology library classics ana chrestomathy miscellanea analects collected works delectus
Canon antonyms
unbelief disorganization lawlessness
Usage of Canon in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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