Caper meaning in hindi
As noun : उछल कूद करना Ex: Make the caper or capers
कुलांच केपर मृत्युदण्ड उ: इस मुक़ाबले में हारने वाले को मृत्युदण्ड दिया जायेगा। मौ उ: भिंड जिले की मौ तहसील सबसे छोटी तहसील है।
As verb : अपस्खल Ex: A caper sauce उत्कूर्दन Ex: Make the caper, a caper , capers उत्प्लवन Ex: The caper is the highest jump उल्लंफन Ex: The step and jump, Air statement that runs in three stages: a time or shortened gallop down to earth, a bow and a caper कूदना प्रलोठन प्लवित मलफना
Caper ki paribhasha : chitt ki umng se uchhalanaa, koodana tatha isi prakaar ki aur cheshta karana kisi vastu ki ek aur se doosari or chala jaana
ExamplesCaper synonyms
rib jump rollick mischief jest joke trick revel leap escapade hop gag stunt shenanigan sport tomfoolery gambol prank high jinks practical joke put on hot foot monkeyshines play frisk romp dance spring bound bounce skip cut loose horse around blow the lid off cut capers go on a tear let loose raise hell whoop it up kick up one's heels Caper antonyms
seriousness permit allow face Usage of Caper in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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