Captivity meaning in hindi
Other : कारावास Ex:  Fenel cats are those which are kept in captivity for a long time and escape. उ: उसे पांच साल कारावास की सज़ा सुनाई गई।
कैद Ex:  Reproduction has only been observed in captivity so far. उ: मुकदमे में दो महीने की कैद हुई। दासता Ex:  Tortoises can thrive in captivity if the owner understands their needs well. दासत्व Ex:  Bears in captivity have been trained to dance बंदी स्थिति Ex:  This was termed by many the "Babylonian captivity of the papacy". बंधना Ex:  46 foxes in captivity on Santa Rosa Island and 7 in the wild बन्दिता Ex:  There were several plots to rescue Napoleon from captivity बन्धन Ex:  In the early years of the captivity Napoleon received many visitors उ: बालक के लिए अनुशासन तथा बन्धन नाम मात्र के होने चाहिए।
Captivity ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ka dnd jon raajaniyam ke anusaar ya raajaagya se diya jaata hai aur jisamen abhiyukt ko kisi bnd sthaan men rakhate hain
ExamplesUsage of Captivity in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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