Carmine meaning in hindi
As noun : अरगवानी Ex:  She bought a carmine saree.
कार्मीन Ex:  Sometimes carmine is labelled as ''E120''. किरमिजी Ex:  The water-soluble form is used in alcoholic drinks with calcium carmine गहरा लाल Ex:  Together with ammonium carmine they can be found in meat धूम्रलोहित Ex:  It employs carmine to paint Miniature बूढ़ Ex:  Which contains carmine रक्तवर्ण Ex:  , carmine Lips, Lips of a very bright red रक्तिम रतौहाँ लाल रंग का लाल रंग लोहित उ: लोहित फॉण्ट यूनिकोड ६.० अनुकूल हैं। लोहितकृष्ण लोहितराग शोण शोण
Other : किरमिज Ex:  An unknown percentage of people have been found to have allergies to carmine
Carmine ki paribhasha : matamailaapan liye hue karaudiya rng ka apoorn ya hin indradhanu
ExamplesCarmine synonyms
color crimson cherry scarlet Usage of Carmine in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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