Carry meaning in hindi
As noun : अँगिरना Ex: clouds carry water from one place to another place.
अँटना Ex: Her puny limps were not strong enough to carry the weight. अंकुरना Ex: they went west as pioneers with only the possessions they could carry with them अंकूलना Ex: speak softly but carry a big stick अएरना Ex: A wheelbarrow is useful to carry goods. अख्ज Ex: Mountaineers carry lightweight equipment while climbing. आगे बढाना Ex: He wants his servent to fetch and carry the whole day. आफर Ex: Please carry the shopping to my house. आसादन Ex: Dont carry too much weight. उँचाना Ex: He used a handcart to carry the rocks away उकसाना Ex: When I was a little child my mother used to carry me in her lap. उगाना Ex: People plough the field to carry on their other agricultural tasks. उ: यहाँ के मुख्य उद्योग चावल की खेती और संतरे उगाना है। उछालना Ex: Scuttle is used to carry vegetables. उजवालना Ex: I had to carry my son piggy back all the way. उज्जना Ex: My father asked me to bring a pack of biscuits from the market.
Everyday I carry a pack of books to school. उझंटना Ex: The carry of Bofors gun is superb. उठा रखना Ex: He waste out all his energy in trying carry heavier weights. उठाए रखना Ex: Due to cards,one doesnt have to carry cash. उठाना Ex: You must carry your camping gear उ: उसे आगे बढ़ाकर काम शुरू कर अवसर का लाभ उठाना चाहिए। उठावना Ex: I carry all my sports gear in a kitbag. उतपानना Ex: The snuffbox is used to carry the snuff. उत्तंभ Ex: Our education minister should carry out reforms in education system. उदसन Ex: Please carry on with your report . उदीतना Ex: Please carry on with your singing . उद्गगम Ex: I always carry around my child with me . उद्धूनन Ex: Let me carry in the packages . उपकिरण Ex: Help me carry the baby and her things out . उपजना Ex: Let's carry out the dishes and set the table . उपजाना Ex: Please carry this over to the window . ऊआनापु Ex: “May I carry you home?” the young man asked Jane . ऊगर Ex: Yes, this will carry me through . ऊढ़ि Ex: Please carry along this package when you go . ऊपजना Ex: John can't carry the ball . एनडोर्स Ex: Ask Sally to carry through on her project . कठठना Ex: You take Joe out and I'll carry the ball . कॅरी करना Ex: Demand Notes did not need to carry the Seal of the U.S. Treasury. क्षमता रखना Ex: The ants carry such seeds back to their nest, where the elaiosomes are eaten. क्षमता होना Ex: Viruses can also carry DNA between organisms खट्टना Ex: 54% will no longer carry the diagnosis after a decade. खड़ना Ex: Buses carry up to 3 million passengers daily खाड़ेती Ex: The knights in the Bayeux Tapestry carry shields गच्छाना Ex: Some of the early 1980s VHS releases carry this R-rated version गर्भ धारण करना Ex: Some men carry the assa गाना Ex: The various attempts to carry this out met with a series of failures उ: हर एक गाना लाजवाब है। गावण Ex: Many vehicles also carry the international vehicle identification code घोँटना Ex: The Gulf Stream does not only carry warm water to Europe's coast चरणचार Ex: During this time, CD4+ CD45RO+ T cells carry most of the proviral load. चलना Ex: Many other journals often carry plant physiology articles उ: वे एक ऐसे जापानी हैं, जो रात में नींद से उठ कर चलना शुरू कर देते हैं। चलाना Ex: Chicago sports teams, like the Bulls, often carry a national following. चल्लना Ex: Ontario to carry freight cars चियारना Ex: Funeral trains would carry the remains of important people चैँज Ex: They carry the same variations of fuel types as the ovens mentioned above. चौडा़ना Ex: It is thinnest where the image is and appears to carry the color छपना Ex: Sea lions carry a similar device in their mouth छापना Ex: Bodhi and Nirvana carry the same meaning छुरण Ex: The scores from the terminated match would not carry over. जारी रखना Ex: The 747X aircraft was to carry 430 passengers over ranges of up to 8,700 nmi . जियारा Ex: But since his printed books never carry his name or a date जिहान Ex: Two elected Constables carry out the decisions of the Douzaine जीत लेना Ex: As the R-7 was designed to carry the much heavier Object D जीतना Ex: Two bridges carry I-64 and I-65 over the Ohio River जीवित रखना Ex: It utilizes cheek-pouches to carry prey to the surface where they are eaten. झंपावना Ex: Some forms of poetry carry a consistent and well-defined rhyming scheme टुरन Ex: Since a rocket must carry all of its reaction mass ठवनापु Ex: Luggage carriers and panniers can be used to carry equipment or cargo. ठोलना Ex: Many cyclists carry tool kits. डगराना Ex: "Man" does continue to carry its original sense of "Human" however ढकेलना Ex: The ferry does not carry vehicles. ढोना Ex: The line was intended to carry coal for the Duke of Portland तबदुदुल Ex: Columbia did not carry the Canadarm तोकना Ex: The Jets and Sharks form a procession, and together they carry Tony away. त्रीघटना Ex: Owens could either order carry out or eat at "black-only" restaurants. थाम कर रखना Ex: Other frogs carry the eggs and tadpoles on their hind legs or back . दर्शाना Ex: Simple possession can carry long prison terms in some countries धुजाना Ex: Winds carry water vapor over land at the same rate as runoff into the sea नगमासंजी Ex: The ferry can carry about 130 passengers and there is space for 60 bicycles. नरिबाहना Ex: Berkman chose to carry out the murder नषाना Ex: They also carry the best record of changes in the Earth's magnetic field. निकलना Ex: Each Iowa battleship was modernized to carry electronic warfare suites निखूटनापु Ex: Each battleship could carry as many as eight Pioneers निभाना Ex: This makes them easy to carry in trailers or trucks and inexpensive to store. निरथाना Ex: Enzymes carry out most of the reactions involved in metabolism and catabolism निर्वाह करना Ex: 50 cal ammo, since Haleiwa did not carry any. पचाना Ex: The reals carry a canonical measure पदक्रम Ex: He also urged protesters to carry American flags पदविक्षेप Ex: Company ships could not carry opium to China. परिगम Ex: More complex systems may carry out all of these functions: generate electricity परिपारना Ex: Rats also carry the virus. पादन्यास Ex: Action to carry from one place to another पारित करना Ex: Action to wear, carry पारित होना Ex: aérifères routes, led aérifères, All conduits for carry air into the lungs पास रखना Ex: All shots that do not carry one draws पिस्तरना Ex: Anatomy Each of the two channels that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder प्रकट करना Ex: As your orders carry the प्रकाशित करना Ex: be morally responsible for something, carry moral responsibility in प्रचारान Ex: belt used to carry the stirrups प्रसारित करना Ex: By extension, it is said of the bag in which the Shoemakers carry their tools and also called Holy crépin प्रस्तुत करना Ex: Carton in which students bring and carry their books, notebooks प्रस्थावा Ex: Ceremonies observed to carry and put a clay body प्रातिधान Ex: Coin Leather or fabric that attaches to the belt or harness to carry the sword प्राप्त करना Ex: Correspondence Services says the Mail services that carry the letters in points which does not access the railway प्रेरित करना Ex: Correspondence Services says the Mail services that carry the letters in points which does not access the railway फरालन ‡ Ex: didactic Add alcohol to a to keep the wine in order to carry it without it deteriorates फैलाना Ex: Dragging, carry, carry all बंदूक की सीमा Ex: Driver of animals that carry the luggage in caravans बदलना Ex: He does not have the shoulders strong enough, he too weak shoulders for such employment, to support such a load to carry in this endeavor, it has not enough talent, enough good, resources बनाये रखना Ex: He is unable to carry a heavy burden बर्तना Ex: His portrait does not leave me, I always carry with me बर्ताव करना Ex: In military terms, fighting Train, all cars assigned to a battalion to carry supplies, ammunition, the equipment needed to battle बाँहना Ex: In terms of Engraving This board, this print is qu'égratignée, It was carved with lines that do not carry बिटालना Ex: In terms of Fortification, Stirring of the earth, earth, Fouir and carry soil to retrenchments, etc बिस्तरना Ex: In terms of fortification, Stirring of the earth, earth, Oven and carry soil to retrenchments, etc बीताना Ex: In terms of Masonry, he told holes that let in the wall wooden parts that carry the scaffolding, and, by extension, these same pieces of wood बेवहरनापु Ex: In terms of sports, the game of golf, it is said of one who is responsible to carry the clubs and the players spend their भरन पोषण करना Ex: It also means that it can carry a person, animal, building or any such thing भरपाई करना Ex: It also said the carry back of Action भार डालना Ex: It also says of Him whose job is to carry messages or burdens मंनना ‡ Ex: It detaches canoe to carry the fish to the shore मतानुकुल करना Ex: It figuratively said of most things regarded as a heavy weight to carry मनवाना Ex: It Horticulture says Various species of plants, especially honeysuckle, which carry leaves all year मानना Ex: It is also called All things we can carry opposite judgments उ: पंद्रहवी शती विक्रमी के उत्तरार्ध से संतपरंपरा का उद्भव मानना चाहिए। मुचाना Ex: It is also used as a noun and refers to one who is sent specifically to carry or to receive letters, news, orders, etc याद रखना Ex: It is hardly used in this sentence, Enter, take, take, bring someone round the body, enter the take, hold, carry it through the arm or both arms around the body रंदना Ex: It is not strong enough to carry it all रखना Ex: It is said, by analogy, of any kind of regret not only a country, but an environment which we ceased to belong or a way of life that has ceased to carry उ: दोनों पक्षों को अपने-अपने इन सद्भावों को जाग्रत् रखना चाहिए। लाति Ex: It means, in terms of Hydraulics, Suite pipes or aqueducts that carry from one place to another the waters of a fountain, d a pond, a river, etc लादना Ex: It now says the boats that carry mail लाधनापु Ex: It said, in poetry, in all own land to carry grain, whether seeded or that they are not the लुढकाते हुए ले जाना Ex: It says Shares figuratively and speeches that carry a great harm to others ले जाना Ex: Land that carry wheat लेना Ex: Moral Law, Act that all carry within us and tells us that it do and not to do उ: वे वियेना में भवन निर्माण कला की शिक्षा लेना चाहते थे। वस्क Ex: One who trades carry burdens वहन करना Ex: PORTFOLIO says specifically a leather briefcase, with pockets and compartments, which is used to contain and carry papers, books, etc वहन Ex: Pull the top wooden boats, or river, and carry the on the edge उ: शेष राष्ट्र दस-दस प्रतिशत वहन करेंगे। विकीरन Ex: pull, drag, carry arms, to arms force विछाडना Ex: Ship, merchantman, ship , building that is intended only carry goods विनिः सरण Ex: Ship, merchantman, ship, building That Is Intended only carry goods विनिक्षेप Ex: Small Diptera insect whose bite, very painful and often dangerous, can carry the germs of diseases विप्रयाण Ex: Small leather bag where soldiers and hunters carry their cartridges विप्रसारण Ex: Small trunk divided by compartments to carry bottles or vials traveling विवार Ex: Sort own large stretcher to carry stones, manure and other burdens विष्टब्धि Ex: The amount of things that the arms may surround, contain and carry वोढ़ा Ex: The enemies have made a great effort to carry the place व्यक्त करना Ex: The gallows are mainly used to carry iron balconies, pulleys, lanterns, etc व्यवहार करना Ex: The ice is solid enough to carry several people श्चोत, श्चोतन, श्च्योत, श्च्योतन Ex: The lifting of the body also said the Action to take the body of a dead man to his home to carry him to the church and from there to the cemetery श्रयना Ex: The monuments of this people carry a strength and greatness of nature that surprises सँचरना Ex: The pipes that carry water in a garden संघुक्षण Ex: The stick of the cross, and the staff at the top of which a cross is placed to carry in processions संचारित करना Ex: The Swiss church carry halberds संचोदन Ex: The vessels carry lights at night to prevent collisions संपादना Ex: This is the oldest in charge to carry the word संप्रवर्त्तन Ex: This wine does not carry water संप्रसारण Ex: To carry goods in a shop संवाह Ex: To carry this case, j have done the necessary संवृत्ति Ex: Transporter carry from one place to another, to pass one place to another सकुचना Ex: Transporting from one place to carry Reviews another, to pass one Reviews another place to सज्जकर्म Ex: Transporting from one place to carry Reviews Reviews another, to pass one Reviews another place to सन्निवेश Ex: Very fine, you do not carry सन्नोदन Ex: Vessel used primarily to carry passengers and mail सन्यासन Ex: Vivacity Vivacity character and absolutely, Willingness to irritate, to easily carry समर्थन करना Ex: which is of service to an officer, to carry his orders, to a door, to inform, etc समासादन Ex: Will you be able to carry this burden? Your horse is not capable of dragging this car समुज्जृंभण Ex: You carry things to extremities समुत्पत्ति Ex: You have not been right to carry you so against him समुद् गार Ex: Port of weapons, action or Permission to carry weapons समुद् गिरण Ex: , Missing his shot, do not succeed in a business, do not carry a design समुन्नति Ex: , sky Present says a thing or a very valuable person, who brought happiness to its possessor, which seems to carry him luck समुन्नमन Ex: , use to carry water, wine or any other beverage समुन्मीलन Ex: Piece of wood, sheet metal or steel, long, round and straight, standing on a ship intended to carry the sails सहायता करना Ex: Pousser, carry all to the extreme, go to the extreme, not having anything in moderation सहारा देना Ex: The Arabian horses carry the tail trompe साथ लेना सियाक सुनाई देना सूटना स्कंभन स्थानांतर करना स्थिति में रखना स्वीकार करना स्वीकृत करना स्वीकृत होना हँड़वाना हथवाँसना हरामखोरी हासिल करना होना उ: ग्राहकों को आसानी से ले जाने के लिए होना चाहिए। पहुँचना पहुँचाना फैलना सँभालना
Everyday I carry a pack of books to school. उझंटना Ex: The carry of Bofors gun is superb. उठा रखना Ex: He waste out all his energy in trying carry heavier weights. उठाए रखना Ex: Due to cards,one doesnt have to carry cash. उठाना Ex: You must carry your camping gear उ: उसे आगे बढ़ाकर काम शुरू कर अवसर का लाभ उठाना चाहिए। उठावना Ex: I carry all my sports gear in a kitbag. उतपानना Ex: The snuffbox is used to carry the snuff. उत्तंभ Ex: Our education minister should carry out reforms in education system. उदसन Ex: Please carry on with your report . उदीतना Ex: Please carry on with your singing . उद्गगम Ex: I always carry around my child with me . उद्धूनन Ex: Let me carry in the packages . उपकिरण Ex: Help me carry the baby and her things out . उपजना Ex: Let's carry out the dishes and set the table . उपजाना Ex: Please carry this over to the window . ऊआनापु Ex: “May I carry you home?” the young man asked Jane . ऊगर Ex: Yes, this will carry me through . ऊढ़ि Ex: Please carry along this package when you go . ऊपजना Ex: John can't carry the ball . एनडोर्स Ex: Ask Sally to carry through on her project . कठठना Ex: You take Joe out and I'll carry the ball . कॅरी करना Ex: Demand Notes did not need to carry the Seal of the U.S. Treasury. क्षमता रखना Ex: The ants carry such seeds back to their nest, where the elaiosomes are eaten. क्षमता होना Ex: Viruses can also carry DNA between organisms खट्टना Ex: 54% will no longer carry the diagnosis after a decade. खड़ना Ex: Buses carry up to 3 million passengers daily खाड़ेती Ex: The knights in the Bayeux Tapestry carry shields गच्छाना Ex: Some of the early 1980s VHS releases carry this R-rated version गर्भ धारण करना Ex: Some men carry the assa गाना Ex: The various attempts to carry this out met with a series of failures उ: हर एक गाना लाजवाब है। गावण Ex: Many vehicles also carry the international vehicle identification code घोँटना Ex: The Gulf Stream does not only carry warm water to Europe's coast चरणचार Ex: During this time, CD4+ CD45RO+ T cells carry most of the proviral load. चलना Ex: Many other journals often carry plant physiology articles उ: वे एक ऐसे जापानी हैं, जो रात में नींद से उठ कर चलना शुरू कर देते हैं। चलाना Ex: Chicago sports teams, like the Bulls, often carry a national following. चल्लना Ex: Ontario to carry freight cars चियारना Ex: Funeral trains would carry the remains of important people चैँज Ex: They carry the same variations of fuel types as the ovens mentioned above. चौडा़ना Ex: It is thinnest where the image is and appears to carry the color छपना Ex: Sea lions carry a similar device in their mouth छापना Ex: Bodhi and Nirvana carry the same meaning छुरण Ex: The scores from the terminated match would not carry over. जारी रखना Ex: The 747X aircraft was to carry 430 passengers over ranges of up to 8,700 nmi . जियारा Ex: But since his printed books never carry his name or a date जिहान Ex: Two elected Constables carry out the decisions of the Douzaine जीत लेना Ex: As the R-7 was designed to carry the much heavier Object D जीतना Ex: Two bridges carry I-64 and I-65 over the Ohio River जीवित रखना Ex: It utilizes cheek-pouches to carry prey to the surface where they are eaten. झंपावना Ex: Some forms of poetry carry a consistent and well-defined rhyming scheme टुरन Ex: Since a rocket must carry all of its reaction mass ठवनापु Ex: Luggage carriers and panniers can be used to carry equipment or cargo. ठोलना Ex: Many cyclists carry tool kits. डगराना Ex: "Man" does continue to carry its original sense of "Human" however ढकेलना Ex: The ferry does not carry vehicles. ढोना Ex: The line was intended to carry coal for the Duke of Portland तबदुदुल Ex: Columbia did not carry the Canadarm तोकना Ex: The Jets and Sharks form a procession, and together they carry Tony away. त्रीघटना Ex: Owens could either order carry out or eat at "black-only" restaurants. थाम कर रखना Ex: Other frogs carry the eggs and tadpoles on their hind legs or back . दर्शाना Ex: Simple possession can carry long prison terms in some countries धुजाना Ex: Winds carry water vapor over land at the same rate as runoff into the sea नगमासंजी Ex: The ferry can carry about 130 passengers and there is space for 60 bicycles. नरिबाहना Ex: Berkman chose to carry out the murder नषाना Ex: They also carry the best record of changes in the Earth's magnetic field. निकलना Ex: Each Iowa battleship was modernized to carry electronic warfare suites निखूटनापु Ex: Each battleship could carry as many as eight Pioneers निभाना Ex: This makes them easy to carry in trailers or trucks and inexpensive to store. निरथाना Ex: Enzymes carry out most of the reactions involved in metabolism and catabolism निर्वाह करना Ex: 50 cal ammo, since Haleiwa did not carry any. पचाना Ex: The reals carry a canonical measure पदक्रम Ex: He also urged protesters to carry American flags पदविक्षेप Ex: Company ships could not carry opium to China. परिगम Ex: More complex systems may carry out all of these functions: generate electricity परिपारना Ex: Rats also carry the virus. पादन्यास Ex: Action to carry from one place to another पारित करना Ex: Action to wear, carry पारित होना Ex: aérifères routes, led aérifères, All conduits for carry air into the lungs पास रखना Ex: All shots that do not carry one draws पिस्तरना Ex: Anatomy Each of the two channels that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder प्रकट करना Ex: As your orders carry the प्रकाशित करना Ex: be morally responsible for something, carry moral responsibility in प्रचारान Ex: belt used to carry the stirrups प्रसारित करना Ex: By extension, it is said of the bag in which the Shoemakers carry their tools and also called Holy crépin प्रस्तुत करना Ex: Carton in which students bring and carry their books, notebooks प्रस्थावा Ex: Ceremonies observed to carry and put a clay body प्रातिधान Ex: Coin Leather or fabric that attaches to the belt or harness to carry the sword प्राप्त करना Ex: Correspondence Services says the Mail services that carry the letters in points which does not access the railway प्रेरित करना Ex: Correspondence Services says the Mail services that carry the letters in points which does not access the railway फरालन ‡ Ex: didactic Add alcohol to a to keep the wine in order to carry it without it deteriorates फैलाना Ex: Dragging, carry, carry all बंदूक की सीमा Ex: Driver of animals that carry the luggage in caravans बदलना Ex: He does not have the shoulders strong enough, he too weak shoulders for such employment, to support such a load to carry in this endeavor, it has not enough talent, enough good, resources बनाये रखना Ex: He is unable to carry a heavy burden बर्तना Ex: His portrait does not leave me, I always carry with me बर्ताव करना Ex: In military terms, fighting Train, all cars assigned to a battalion to carry supplies, ammunition, the equipment needed to battle बाँहना Ex: In terms of Engraving This board, this print is qu'égratignée, It was carved with lines that do not carry बिटालना Ex: In terms of Fortification, Stirring of the earth, earth, Fouir and carry soil to retrenchments, etc बिस्तरना Ex: In terms of fortification, Stirring of the earth, earth, Oven and carry soil to retrenchments, etc बीताना Ex: In terms of Masonry, he told holes that let in the wall wooden parts that carry the scaffolding, and, by extension, these same pieces of wood बेवहरनापु Ex: In terms of sports, the game of golf, it is said of one who is responsible to carry the clubs and the players spend their भरन पोषण करना Ex: It also means that it can carry a person, animal, building or any such thing भरपाई करना Ex: It also said the carry back of Action भार डालना Ex: It also says of Him whose job is to carry messages or burdens मंनना ‡ Ex: It detaches canoe to carry the fish to the shore मतानुकुल करना Ex: It figuratively said of most things regarded as a heavy weight to carry मनवाना Ex: It Horticulture says Various species of plants, especially honeysuckle, which carry leaves all year मानना Ex: It is also called All things we can carry opposite judgments उ: पंद्रहवी शती विक्रमी के उत्तरार्ध से संतपरंपरा का उद्भव मानना चाहिए। मुचाना Ex: It is also used as a noun and refers to one who is sent specifically to carry or to receive letters, news, orders, etc याद रखना Ex: It is hardly used in this sentence, Enter, take, take, bring someone round the body, enter the take, hold, carry it through the arm or both arms around the body रंदना Ex: It is not strong enough to carry it all रखना Ex: It is said, by analogy, of any kind of regret not only a country, but an environment which we ceased to belong or a way of life that has ceased to carry उ: दोनों पक्षों को अपने-अपने इन सद्भावों को जाग्रत् रखना चाहिए। लाति Ex: It means, in terms of Hydraulics, Suite pipes or aqueducts that carry from one place to another the waters of a fountain, d a pond, a river, etc लादना Ex: It now says the boats that carry mail लाधनापु Ex: It said, in poetry, in all own land to carry grain, whether seeded or that they are not the लुढकाते हुए ले जाना Ex: It says Shares figuratively and speeches that carry a great harm to others ले जाना Ex: Land that carry wheat लेना Ex: Moral Law, Act that all carry within us and tells us that it do and not to do उ: वे वियेना में भवन निर्माण कला की शिक्षा लेना चाहते थे। वस्क Ex: One who trades carry burdens वहन करना Ex: PORTFOLIO says specifically a leather briefcase, with pockets and compartments, which is used to contain and carry papers, books, etc वहन Ex: Pull the top wooden boats, or river, and carry the on the edge उ: शेष राष्ट्र दस-दस प्रतिशत वहन करेंगे। विकीरन Ex: pull, drag, carry arms, to arms force विछाडना Ex: Ship, merchantman, ship , building that is intended only carry goods विनिः सरण Ex: Ship, merchantman, ship, building That Is Intended only carry goods विनिक्षेप Ex: Small Diptera insect whose bite, very painful and often dangerous, can carry the germs of diseases विप्रयाण Ex: Small leather bag where soldiers and hunters carry their cartridges विप्रसारण Ex: Small trunk divided by compartments to carry bottles or vials traveling विवार Ex: Sort own large stretcher to carry stones, manure and other burdens विष्टब्धि Ex: The amount of things that the arms may surround, contain and carry वोढ़ा Ex: The enemies have made a great effort to carry the place व्यक्त करना Ex: The gallows are mainly used to carry iron balconies, pulleys, lanterns, etc व्यवहार करना Ex: The ice is solid enough to carry several people श्चोत, श्चोतन, श्च्योत, श्च्योतन Ex: The lifting of the body also said the Action to take the body of a dead man to his home to carry him to the church and from there to the cemetery श्रयना Ex: The monuments of this people carry a strength and greatness of nature that surprises सँचरना Ex: The pipes that carry water in a garden संघुक्षण Ex: The stick of the cross, and the staff at the top of which a cross is placed to carry in processions संचारित करना Ex: The Swiss church carry halberds संचोदन Ex: The vessels carry lights at night to prevent collisions संपादना Ex: This is the oldest in charge to carry the word संप्रवर्त्तन Ex: This wine does not carry water संप्रसारण Ex: To carry goods in a shop संवाह Ex: To carry this case, j have done the necessary संवृत्ति Ex: Transporter carry from one place to another, to pass one place to another सकुचना Ex: Transporting from one place to carry Reviews another, to pass one Reviews another place to सज्जकर्म Ex: Transporting from one place to carry Reviews Reviews another, to pass one Reviews another place to सन्निवेश Ex: Very fine, you do not carry सन्नोदन Ex: Vessel used primarily to carry passengers and mail सन्यासन Ex: Vivacity Vivacity character and absolutely, Willingness to irritate, to easily carry समर्थन करना Ex: which is of service to an officer, to carry his orders, to a door, to inform, etc समासादन Ex: Will you be able to carry this burden? Your horse is not capable of dragging this car समुज्जृंभण Ex: You carry things to extremities समुत्पत्ति Ex: You have not been right to carry you so against him समुद् गार Ex: Port of weapons, action or Permission to carry weapons समुद् गिरण Ex: , Missing his shot, do not succeed in a business, do not carry a design समुन्नति Ex: , sky Present says a thing or a very valuable person, who brought happiness to its possessor, which seems to carry him luck समुन्नमन Ex: , use to carry water, wine or any other beverage समुन्मीलन Ex: Piece of wood, sheet metal or steel, long, round and straight, standing on a ship intended to carry the sails सहायता करना Ex: Pousser, carry all to the extreme, go to the extreme, not having anything in moderation सहारा देना Ex: The Arabian horses carry the tail trompe साथ लेना सियाक सुनाई देना सूटना स्कंभन स्थानांतर करना स्थिति में रखना स्वीकार करना स्वीकृत करना स्वीकृत होना हँड़वाना हथवाँसना हरामखोरी हासिल करना होना उ: ग्राहकों को आसानी से ले जाने के लिए होना चाहिए। पहुँचना पहुँचाना फैलना सँभालना
As verb : उछेदना Ex: he used a handcart to carry the rocks away गर्भवती होना Ex: A number carry titles in English and other languages. चलन Ex: Colectivos are shared taxicabs that carry passengers along a specific route उ: केवल वादी-ए-कश्मीर में इसका चलन था। चालण Ex: A silk train could carry several million dollars worth of silk नयन करना Ex: Sealed roads can carry traffic moving at 120 km/h and should last for 20 years. पहुॅचाना Ex: Even taxis and rickshaws carry advertisements on them . प्रभावित करना Ex: Bring her steps wherever, Getting carry बोझ ढोना Ex: It also means a user Evil or good quality right intention, carry too far, having excess भारोढ़ि Ex: It also tells of a place installed in railway stations where travelers are either a prepared meal or groceries to carry ले जाना या ढोना Ex: It was ordained that would carry both the presence and absence of the accused, or parts समर्थन होना Ex: Who wear -you? I carry such a deputation to
Other : आगे बढ़ाना Ex: In hilly areas shire horses usually carry load. कब्ज़ा करना Ex: While many abductees are taken to carry items looted from raided villages गुजारना Ex: LGVs often carry non-TGV intercity traffic उ: इस काम को करने के लिए समुद्र में लंबा वक्त गुजारना पड़ सकता है। बढाना Ex: Envelope Type , usually made of leather, which serves to carry the printed or handwritten music मंजूर करना Ex: It also tells of those who carry the cross in processions ले लेना Ex: PASSER with the auxiliary Having only means the action to carry from one place to another
Carry ki paribhasha : vah dhan jo raaja ya koi adhikaari kisi vishisht kaary ke liye le kisi vastu par ya kisi vastu ke andar doosari vastu sthit karana bojh laadakar le jaana taala, svar ke niyam ke anusaar shabd uchchaaran karana ek sthaan se chalakara, doosare sthaan men prastut ya praapt hona kisi ko poojya, aadaraniy ya yogy samajhana nichi sthiti se ooanchi sthiti men karana khinchakar athava sir ya kndhe par laadakar ek jagah se doosari jagah le jaana jyotish men ek kraantipaat gati athava vishuvat ki us samay ki gati, jab din aur raat baraabar hote hain kisi baat ko baarabaar chalaaye chalana
ExamplesCarry synonyms
tote give import move bear transfer remove bring haul lift hoist take lug transmit ferry pack shoulder funnel convoy freight relay shift backpack displace cart pipe sustain waft convey conduct truck relocate fetch channel transplant schlepp portage heft traject drive get capture secure urge sway influence effect spur impel strike gain impress touch affect prevail inspire be victorious offer send air publish release display disseminate communicate pass on Carry antonyms
remain refuse avoid dodge shun hold keep fix stay stop drop lower receive maintain leave fail lose dissuade forfeit discourage let go neglect miss conceal withhold hide take Usage of Carry in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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