Cash meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cash
As noun : कैश (मृदु शेल Ex:  She was robbed of her cash and jewellery.
तुडाना Ex:  I'm going to cash in . तुड़ाना Ex:  The robbers cleaned out all the bank's cash . नकद Ex:  As a result, France received only $8,831,250 in cash for Louisiana. उ:   नकद राशि इस समय एक लाख रुपये हैं। भुनाना Ex:  Mick Simmons wanted to cash in on their employee’s newly won fame. रोक अपहार Ex:  Larger farms tend to grow cash crops such as coffee, cotton, cocoa, and rubber. रोकड‌़ Ex:  Slave cultivation of cash crops began with the Spanish in the 1500s रोकड़ Ex:  Purchases may be cash purchases or credit purchases .
As verb : रोकड़ में बदलना Ex:  Normally, no cash is received for such issue of shares .
Other : नकदी Ex:  Scrip cash dispensers do not incorporate a vault. उ:   कपास एक नकदी फसल हैं। नक़दी Ex:  Although ATMs were originally developed as just cash dispensers नाँवाँ Ex:  Finally, the economy has been helped by an infusion of cash रोकड़ बही Ex:  Nearer the River Nile, there are well-irrigated farms growing cash crops. रोकड़ Ex:  In addition to the preferred method of cash donations उ:   उदाहरण के लिए रोकड़ बही खाताबही का ही एक उपविभाजन हैं।
Cash ki paribhasha : rupae aadi ko athanni, chavanni aadi manen parinat karana vah bhoomi jisaka lagaan nakad rupayon men liya jaay nagad rupaya paisa aadi, visheshataः vah rakam jisamen se aay vyay hota hai bhaarat men prachalit chaaandi ka saba- se bad sikka jo solah aane chausath paise ka heta tha turnt diye hue rupae ke badale men
Cash synonyms
refund buck supply payment note currency security reserve investment stock wherewithal coin pledge principal funds treasure riches savings dough lot scratch cabbage resources bread chicken feed legal tender banknote remuneration wampum bullion dinero coinage skins green stuff mazumah ready assets liquidate redeem realize acknowledge draw honor discharge break a bill make change
Cash antonyms
debt disregard ignore lose hold keep
Usage of Cash in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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