Cast off meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cast off
As verb :
नाव खोल दना Ex:  When the sun is rising or its setting, the shadow is cast off मुद्रितानुमान सलाई में से फंदे बंद करना
As adjective : आविद्ध Ex:  The crew cast off from the dock . उत्तालित Ex:  He soon cast off the idea , preferring to commit himself to writing. उदस्त Ex:  is also said to give to hear a story, praise, complaints are exaggerated: It must fold half, we must cast off half प्रणुन्न प्रमुक्त प्रविध्वस्त प्रास्त फेंका हुआ भ्रंशित विंनय विनिः सृष्ट विनिक्षिप्त व्याविद्ध संप्रहित सन्यस्त
Cast off synonyms
abandon discard disown jettison throw away
Usage of Cast off in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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