Caste meaning in hindi
As noun : अन्ववाय Ex: Segmentation of society based on caste is never allowed.
कृष्णातार Ex: Joseph Hooker responded: Wallace has lost caste considerably जातपाँत Ex: The ruling stratum of the Soviet Union was held to be a bureaucratic caste जाति या वर्ण या गोत्र Ex: Weber describes the caste system जाति Ex: Then he describes the spread of the caste system in India due to conquests उ: ईरान में भिन्न-भिन्न जाति के लोग रहते हैं। जातिपाँति Ex: In most regions, people were divided along lines of caste . वर्ग Ex: A large majority joined the lower jatis of caste society . उ: इस ज़िले का क्षेत्रफल १४२१.६० वर्ग किमी है। श्रेणीबद्ध Ex: Even now most people marry within their own caste or tribe . स्क्वायर Ex: Thus, caste plays different kinds of roles in politics . हेमजट Ex: It has all the prejudices of his caste
Other : जात Ex: With the advent and rise of hierarchical and heridiatry caste system उ: इसके लिए दो निकल प्रिज़्मों का उपयोग किया जात है। वर्ण Ex: Yet caste has not disappeared from contemporary India . उ: एक्वामरीन क्यान वर्ण की एक छाया है। सवर्ण Ex: We have so far looked at what caste does to politics . उ: सवर्ण जाति के लोग उपवासों का अनुष्ठान करते थे।
Caste ki paribhasha : padaarthon ke laala, pile aadi bhedon ka naam kul ya vnsh ki sngya jo usake kisi mool purush ke anusaar hoti hai ek hi prakaar ki anek vastuon ka samooh hinduon men manushy samaaj ka vah vibhaag jo pahale pahal karmaanusaar kiya gaya thaa, par pichhe se svabhaavata: janmaanusaar ho gaya
ExamplesCaste synonyms
stratum status standing degree estate grade station rank order sphere race lineage position species cultural level social order Usage of Caste in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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