Castrate meaning in hindi
As verb : अण्डाकर्षण करना Ex:  castrate a horse, a cat, a ram a bull, etc खच्ची करना Ex:  castrate a pig, a dog नपुंसक करना Ex:  castrate a strawberry, remove unnecessary reject in
Other : नपुंसक बनाना Ex:  One who trades castrate animals
ExamplesCastrate synonyms
sterilize spay mutilate neuter emasculate cut fix unsex geld alter change caponize desexualize asexualize deprive of virility eunuchize Castrate antonyms
aid assist remain help continue keep Usage of Castrate in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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