Catastrophe meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Catastrophe
As noun : अधहपतन Ex:  the theatrical notion of disguise is always associated with catastrophe in his stories
अधहपात Ex:  Lack of funds has resulted in a catastrophe for our school system. आरिष्ट Ex:  Although sometimes interpreted as the result of a single catastrophe कदर्थन Ex:  Awful, awful, bloody catastrophe खय Ex:  His life ended a cruel catastrophe चेष्टानाश Ex:  The few survivors of this catastrophe दुरगत Ex:  This earthquake was a terrible catastrophe दुरगति Ex:  This unexpected catastrophe would change everything दुर्गति Ex:  Trigger hostilities, a war, an attack, a catastrophe परपलउ ‡ Ex:  We must skilfully prepare the catastrophe परल Ex:  , hi Plank, last resource to avoid a catastrophe परलौ ‡ पायमाली प्रकृतिलय प्रतिसंक्रम प्रलय होना प्रलय उ:   जिनसे प्रलय के पश्चात नई सृष्टि का आरंभ हुआ। प्रलै प्रलौ बुरा परिणाम भूतसंप्लव महाविपत्ति लोकविसर्ग विप्रलय विवर्तस्थायी कल्प विश्वक्षय विश्वसंप्लव सत्वसंप्लव समसुप्ति समाम्नाय
Other : आपद Ex:  The Civil War was a catastrophe for the Finnish nation. आपात Ex:  After the catastrophe उ:   आपात स्थिति के लिए, एक अलग विकल्प एंटीबायोटिक की जरूरत हो सकती है। विपद् विपात
Catastrophe ki paribhasha : klesh ya shok ki sthiti bhinn ya biparit arthavaala vah durdasha jo paralok men ho bhu aadi lokon ka na rah jaana
Catastrophe synonyms
devastation accident crash disaster emergency wreck fiasco mishap trouble failure debacle cataclysm adversity misery tragedy casualty hardship fatality misadventure contretemps stroke affliction blow misfortune end havoc upshot curtains culmination infliction desolation finale grief alluvion waterloo mischance reverse scourge ill denouement trial termination bad luck bad news meltdown the worst
Catastrophe antonyms
good luck miracle prosperity success win advantage boon happiness aid assistance gain joy profit favor commencement delight creation blessing good fortune wonder peace benefit help birth comfort beginning cause origin opening start
Usage of Catastrophe in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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