Caution meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Caution
As noun : अनोखा आदमी Ex:  a man of caution
अवधान Ex:  She exercised caution in opening the door उ:   आत्मप्रेमी लोग भी अवधान पिपासु होते हैं। आगाह करना Ex:  Use this tool with a lot of skill and caution . इहतियात Ex:  As a security precaution खबरदार करना Ex:  But this is more a word of caution than a prohibition. चतौना Ex:  Tourists should exercise caution when driving, particularly at night. चेत Ex:  It brought a lot of precaution चेतावनी देना Ex:  He expressed figuratively and familiarly, in the plural, for precautions, care, caution चेतावनी Ex:  His health requires great caution उ:   २००६ - जापान ने दुनिया की पहली भूकम्प पूर्व चेतावनी सेवा शुरू की। चौँकाना Ex:  If drive with caution ताकीद कामिल Ex:  It still means Action to kill animals or to slaughter, or as a precaution against an outbreak सावचेती Ex:  Ménager terms, expressions, Talking with caution सावधानी Ex:  SUBMIT also means put as deposit, entrusted to the care, to someone caution उ:   इसमें बड़ी सावधानी से बारीक नक्काशी की गई है।
As verb : सावधान करना Ex:  Preparation also means Action to announce something by degrees and using caution
Other : खबरदार Ex:  This theory must be treated with caution चिन्ता Ex:  “and should be used with caution if this diagnosis is suspected. उ:   सांसों की दुर्गन्ध ग्रसित व्यक्ति में चिन्ता का कारण बन सकती है। चेता Ex:  Having caution for someone चौकस करना Ex:  It has political caution for people who deserve it the least प्रतिभूति Ex:  It is unfortunate, you have to have great caution for him, caution should be exercised towards him, using, keeping with him bluntly सचेत करना Ex:  It should attack some prejudices with caution सतर्कता Ex:  It should be introduced with caution news in a state समवधान Ex:  Ménager his health, his strength, use with caution in
Caution ki paribhasha : vah jo kuchh man se socha jaay athava sochakar nishchit kiya jaay badon ka chhoton ko kisi kaam ke liye kahana chit ki vratti ka nirodh karake use ek or lagaana vah baat jo kisi ko hoshiyaar karane ke liye kahi jaay
Usage of Caution in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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