Cavalry meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cavalry
As noun : अश्वारोही सेना Ex:  The Austrian cavalry was regarded as the best in Europe
अश्वासेना Ex:  Sensing trouble, Napoleon ordered his own heavy Guard cavalry forward. घुड़सवार फौज Ex:  The Syracusan cavalry rode them down mercilessly बख्तरबंद गाड़ियों वाली सेन Ex:  50 were to infantry, 25 to cavalry units.
Other : अश्वानीक Ex:  Miłaszewicz and a small cavalry force under Prince Gagarin रिसाला Ex:  The organization of the cavalry was based on a slightly different grouping.
Cavalry ki paribhasha : niyat samay par maasika, paakshika, traimaasik aadi rupon men prakaashit honevaala patr
Cavalry synonyms
squadron army mounties lancers bowlegs rangers hussars cuirassiers dragoons chasseurs horse soldiers mounted troops uhlans
Usage of Cavalry in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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