Cd meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cd
As noun : कैड्मियम
सी डी सी डीई
Other : कैडमियम उ:   कैडमियम एक नरम, लचीला, नमनीय, चांदी-सफेद द्विसंयोजक धातु है।
Cd synonyms
money financing investment business cash wherewithal substance fortune wealth gold means funds kitty treasure savings stock estate property finances resources principal nest egg ways and means interests ira album disk cut cylinder release track demo digital recording laser disk time deposit credit memorandum credit slip deposit slip term cd cassette tape lp compact disk backing funding capitalization subsidization
Cd antonyms
poverty debt small
Usage of Cd in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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