Cell meaning in hindi
As noun : अन्नकोष्ठ Ex: replicate the cell
अभ्यवहरण Ex: Enter the outgoing cell in this register. आतर्द Ex: that cell phone you're using is a real dinosaur. आतर्दन Ex: Solar cell is used for generating electric power. आतृण्ण Ex: The cops clapped Max into a cell . आशि Ex: Take Chuck and lock him up in the cell . ऊँडा Ex: He opened the cell door and put Roger in . कक्ष Ex: The prisoner smashed out of his cell and ran . उ: इस प्रकार के कक्ष को वातानुकूलित कहा जाता है। कवलना Ex: While their prokaryotic cell structure is similar to Bacteria कुटिर Ex: The engulfed bacteria and the host cell then underwent co-evolution कुटीर Ex: Zinc is given as it stabilises the cell membrane. उ: इसके साथ साथ कुटीर उद्योगों का नाश हुआ। कुटुंगक Ex: Only one such cell type, the melanocyte, has been identified in these animals. कोटड़ी Ex: Humans have only one class of pigment cell कोठरिया Ex: When the pigment is aggregated towards the centre of the cell कोठरी Ex: It was found in the main cell of an underground "temple depository". उ: प्रत्येक कोठरी २.५ फुट चौड़ी और ४ फुट लंबी है। कोठली Ex: In the northern part of the main cell कोबर Ex: Juliet's return home from the Friar's cell कोशाणु Ex: Satellite phones use satellites rather than cell towers to communicate. उ: कोशाणु विशेष समूहों में सामने, पार्श्व में और पीछे की ओर स्थित हों। कोशिका Ex: It has been estimated that in each human cell उ: कोशिका की खोज रॉबर्ट हूक ने १६६५ ई० में किया। कोष्ठ प्रकोष्ठ Ex: The set of chromosomes in a cell makes up its genome कोष्ठिका Ex: The main cause of this beta cell loss is a T-cell mediated autoimmune attack. उ: साधारणतया कोष्ठिका षट्कोणीय होती है। खं Ex: Genetic mutations can lead to defects in beta cell function. खाधना Ex: Wood that is thoroughly air-dried retains from 8-16% of water in the cell walls खाना Ex: Viruses can have a lipid 'envelope' derived from the host cell membrane. उ: इंस्टेंट फूड़ खाना पड़ता है। गुट Ex: These proteins go on to become either new virions within the cell उ: इस कारण मिनिस्टेरियल गुट कमजोर हो गया था। गैस पाट्र Ex: Viral enzymes aid in the breakdown of the cell membrane गैस पात्र Ex: Viruses do not have a cell structure , although they do have genes. छिद्र Ex: When such a virus infects a cell उ: तीसरे छिद्र से पाद का बहिर्बेधन होता है। छीँद Ex: This is useful for making the cell produce a foreign substance छेदा Ex: In DMD patients CPK leaks out of the muscle cell into the bloodstream जग्ध Ex: NHEJ is especially important before the cell has replicated its DNA जेँवना Ex: The vast amount of damage to a cell leaves it with an important decision झोपड़ी Ex: Januarius, a cell in which he supposedly lived is still shown to visitors. उ: घोटुल गांव के किनारे बनी एक मिट्टी की झोपड़ी होती है। झोपरिया Ex: The cell is the structural and functional unit of all known living organisms. टपरिया Ex: In 1837 before the final cell theory was developed टोलिया Ex: The word cell comes from the Latin cellula, meaning, a small room. टोली Ex: This article will list these primary components of the cell तहखाना Ex: Inside the membrane, a salty cytoplasm takes up most of the cell volume. तिबारी Ex: When CD4+ T cell numbers decline below a critical level पंकचर Ex: Once the virus has infected the cell प्रकोष्ठ Ex: Once the viral capsid enters the cell प्राणोपहार Ex: This vDNA is then transported into the cell nucleus. प्राशु Ex: This hybrid virion then infects a new cell where it undergoes replication. प्सा Ex: Stem cell research and gene therapy प्सान Ex: Algeria in 1942. During the war Camus joined the French Resistance cell Combat बधूर Ex: Proteins are also important in cell signaling बैटरी Ex: In any case, the smaller cell survived inside the larger cell. उ: बैटरी ई-गतिशीलता का मुख्य घटक है। भछना Ex: The gene affects T cell function and provides protection against HIV भुंचना Ex: Animals and most protists do not have cell walls. भुगभगृह Ex: In bacteria, peptidoglycan forms the cell wall. भूगृह Ex: Other cell walls are inflexible. भूगेह Ex: In some plants and cell types भूमिगृह Ex: Cells with secondary cell walls are rigid. भोजनवृत्ति Ex: Like plants, algae have cell walls. मठ Ex: Algal cell walls contain cellulose and a variety of glycoproteins. उ: उन्होंने मठ की सभी मूल्यवान सम्पत्ति लूट ली। मसकाना Ex: Not all species of fungi have cell walls but in those that do मिटियामहल Ex: Over time the host cell acquired some of the genes of the smaller cells मिस्कीट Ex: When even a small portion ofa cell रंध Ex: Oomycete cell walls also contain the amino acid hydroxyproline रंध्र Ex: Bacterial cell walls are made of peptidoglycan रासमंडली Ex: Although not truly unique, the cell walls of Archaea are unusual. वल्मन Ex: Whereas peptidoglycan is a standard component of all bacterial cell walls विद्युत अपघरनी Ex: Like the peptidoglycan found in bacterial cell walls विद्र Ex: Robert Briggs and Thomas J. King cloned a frog by somatic cell nuclear transfer विष्वाण Ex: The cell imports the virus by endocytosis. वैल Ex: After the release of new influenza viruses, the host cell dies. वोबरा Ex: New technologies are also being developed to grow virus in cell culture शरीरस्थिति Ex: All of these plants have eukaryotic cells with cell walls composed of cellulose शुष Ex: 1944 and was taken to a Gestapo cell in Stettin समाश Ex: Each cell has two copies of the same gene साधुभवन Ex: High-grade B cell lymphomas such as Burkitt's lymphoma सेल Ex: 5q, 13q and 17p are particularly common in small cell lung carcinoma. उ: विश्वविद्यालय में प्लेसमेन्ट सेल स्थापित है। स्नानशाली Ex: Small cell lung carcinoma is treated primarily with chemotherapy and radiation
Other : कक्षिका Ex: They whisked off the suspect to a holding cell . कोशा Ex: Terrestrial Trunked Radio is a digital cell phone system for military छोटा कमरा Ex: He does not own a cell phone or use computers मण्डप Ex: True fungi do not have cellulose in their cell walls उ: भारत के सारे राज्यों के मण्डप हैं।
Cell ki paribhasha : do pahaadon ke bich ki tng jagah makaan aadi men vah chhota sthaan jo chaaron or divaaron ya daravaajon aadi se ghira aur oopar se chhaaya ho chi?ya shishe aadi ka gatr jisamen raasaayanik padaarthon ke? se raasaayanik prakriya dvaara bijali paida karake kaam ?i jaati hai kisi vishesh abhipraay se banaaya hua dal tap ka vah gola jisamen goliyaaan aadi bhari rahati hain vah makaan jisamen ek mahat ki adhineta men bahut se saadhu aadi rahate hon dupatte ka vah aaanchal ya chhor jise pith par dalate hain vah kothari ya ghar jo majin ke niche bana ho ek jaati ka baaans jo poorviy himaalaya, sikkim aur aasaam ki or hota hai aalamaari, mej ya sndook aadi men chijen rakhane ke liye patariyon ya takhton ke dvaara kiya hua vibhaag
ExamplesCell synonyms
germ egg unit embryo microorganism bacterium spore vacuole corpuscle follicle utricle cellule haematid chamber apartment cage cubicle recess crib booth receptacle dungeon closet cavity crypt nook pen burrow compartment lockup coop alcove vault hole hold retreat keep stall den cloister tower antechamber bastille Usage of Cell in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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