Center meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Center
As noun : अगली पंक्ति के बीच का खिलाड़ीई Ex:  it is in the center of town
आत्मता Ex:  he took a trip to the shopping center केंद्र Ex:  There was a quardangle in the center of the building. उ:   न्यूयॉर्क को वैश्विक व्यापर का केंद्र माना गया है। केन्द्र बिन्दु Ex:  civic center केन्द्र Ex:  they are geographically closer to the center of town उ:   केन्द्र शासित प्रदेशों में उपराज्यपाल होते हैं। केन्द्रित करना Ex:  Let us center the discussion on Walter . केन्द्रीभूत होना या करना Ex:  Bamako is the nation's administrative center केन्द्रीय Ex:  The center of population of Iowa is located in Marshall County उ:   स्थानीय मामलों पर केन्द्रीय बोर्ड को सलाह देना। गेंद को पाश्र्व से केन्द्र की अऔर मारना Ex:  Another center of conflict on the peninsula is regarding land ownership. छनछेप Ex:  It is the center of Greater Cleveland तेरिज Ex:  The center also hosts various Broadway musicals बकार Ex:  The museum and multimedia center are filled with replicas of Tesla's work. मध्य बिन्दु Ex:  Ilala in the center of the region, and Temeke to the south. मध्य भाग Ex:  Antananarìvo is situated in the center of the island length-wise मध्यबिन्दु Ex:  The center of population of North Carolina is located in Randolph County मध्यममार्ग Ex:  And the Oriental Hotel is in the center of the city. उ:   यह मध्यममार्ग है जिसमें छोटे-छोटे समास अवश्य मिलते हैं। लवाव Ex:  Kabul is Afghanistan's center for education. लुब्बलुबाब Ex:  Kabul is the center of annual Buzkashi and Soccer tournaments वैषुवत् Ex:  The center of population of Utah is located in Utah County in the city of Lehi. सत्वसार Ex:  Russia's political and cultural center for 200 years सरजोश Ex:  The city hosts the We Are the Future center सार Ex:  The city hosts the We Are the Future center उ:   ‘समन्वय प्रबन्ध का सार है। सारभंग Ex:  Located here is The Core Shopping center सारांश Ex:  Madrid is also the political center of Spain. उ:   संक्षेप में, कार्य सारांश तथा विश्लेषण करने की प्रक्रिया है। सालु Ex:  The center of population of Missouri itself is located in Osage County सेन्टर Ex:  Surrounding the center are 35 quartieri urbani उ:   छत्तीसगढ़ सिटी सेन्टर देश के सबसे बड़े मॉल्स में से एक है। हेडक्वार्टर Ex:  Rome is a nation-wide center for higher education. उ:   नयागांव में एसएसबी बटालियन का हेडक्वार्टर बनेगा।
Center ki paribhasha : sngit men ek saptak jisake svaron ka uchchaaran vakshasthal se knth ke andar ke sthaanon se kiya jaata hai kisi padaarth men ka moola, mukhya, kaam kaa, ya asali bhaag kisi vratt ke andar ka vah vindu jisase paridhi tak khinchi hui sab rekhaaean paraspar baraabar hon
Center synonyms
inside midpoint intermediary intermediate interior midway mean deepest equidistant inmost inner innermost internal medial at halfway point centermost middlemost heart place hub kernel essence focus seat pivot midst axis core gist nucleus marrow mainstream pith quick root focal point middle of the road nave omphalos polestar centrality hotbed cynosure centrum navel centriole equidistance intermediacy radial point bull's-eye town city shopping center plaza club mall station capital market marketplace metropolis mart concourse crossroads meeting place nerve center social center trading center gather intensify consolidate centralize unify collect join concenter focalize bring to a focus bring together close on converge upon medialize
Center antonyms
exterior external outer bordering marginal peripheral outside extreme edging boundary outskirts periphery rim surroundings exteriority edge disjoin disperse scatter divide separate dissipate
Usage of Center in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun, verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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