Centre meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Centre
As noun : अगतिमय Ex:  Bombay is a population centre of India.
उम्म Ex:  The drug rehabilitation centre chastened the drug-addict. उरेहनापु Ex:  Our health centre has undergone a complete refit. एक जगह करना Ex:  The cabinet at the centre has been reshuffled. ओष्ठजाह Ex:  There is a rehabilitation centre for psychatric patients. कच्चा जिन Ex:  A centre for the diagnosis of communicable diseases was opened yesterday. कीलीई Ex:  She has a removable centre table. केंद्र की ओर मारना Ex:  The Easter Rising of 1916 occurred in the city centre केंद्र निश्चित करना Ex:  There are several theatres within the city centre केंद्र में एकट्र करना Ex:  Dublin is at the centre of Ireland's transport system. केंद्र में लगाना Ex:  Dublin is the centre of both media and communications in Ireland केंद्र Ex:  Dar es Salaam is also the educational centre of Tanzania. उ:   मंथानी जैन और बौद्ध धर्म का मुख्‍य केंद्र भी है। केंद्रित करना Ex:  By the late 16th century Italy was the musical centre of Europe. केंद्रीत करना Ex:  Due to the importance of Utrecht as a religious centre in the past केंद्रीभुत करना करना Ex:  Vancouver is the centre of the province's news media केंद्रीभूत करना Ex:  George and is the capital city and central administrative centre of the nation. क्षेत्र Ex:  Britain's codebreaking centre उ:   यह क्षेत्र प्राचीन वत्स देश कहलाता था। गदद Ex:  Lilongwe is now the political centre of Malawi गबदद Ex:  During the 19th century the city became a major centre of economy गुट्ठल Ex:  While the inhabited city centre was heavily damaged गुलचानापु Ex:  The Leibniz-Gemeinschaft operates a research centre in Rossendorf गौधूमीन Ex:  The centres of the spirals are not in the centre of the disc घपूचंद Ex:  Calgary has also become a centre for country music in Canada. घपोकानंदन Ex:  In addition to the many shopping areas in the city centre घामड़ Ex:  His palace still survives in the centre of the city. घेवरनापु Ex:  As a centre of Armenian culture घोँघा Ex:  Brussels has become a significant centre for international institutions छन्नमति Ex:  Sheppard was placed in the centre of Newgate छूछू Ex:  Rome is an important centre for music. छेतर Ex:  The first Yuan emperor, Kublai Khan, set up his centre in present day Beijing. जड़ Ex:  The leaders of the groups sit on the front benches at the centre उ:   पर इसकी जड़ में पानी लगने से पौध सड़ने लगता है। जड्ड Ex:  Manchester today is a centre of the arts ठीक करना Ex:  A large part of the historic city centre was destroyed ढेँढ Ex:  Manchester's city centre has undergone extensive regeneration. तंट्रिका केंद्र Ex:  The Manchester Arndale is the UK's largest city centre shopping mall. तंट्रिका कोशिका Ex:  In addition, the British Council maintains a metropolitan centre in Manchester. धुरी Ex:  Hamburg is the commercial and cultural centre of Northern Germany. उ:   विषुव का समय धुरी के घूमने के कारण बदल रहा है। धुरीई Ex:  Except at the three bigger stations in the centre of Hamburg नरमपंथ Ex:  Chişinău , is the capital city and industrial and commercial centre of Moldova. नरमपंथी Ex:  Vilnius, lies only a few kilometres south of the geographical centre of Europe. निगु Ex:  The historic city centre is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. पास करना Ex:  Lviv is an important education centre of Ukraine. प्रमूढ Ex:  The centre of Frankfurt is located on the north side of the river. प्रविषय Ex:  The two major stations in the city centre are Hauptwache and Konstablerwache प्रसंजन Ex:  The U-Bahn has seven lines serving the city centre and some larger suburbs. बकार Ex:  Frankfurt is also a centre for media companies. बष्ट Ex:  Cardiff city centre In addition to English-language magazines बाँदना ‡ Ex:  Belgrade was at the centre of the last major outbreak of smallpox in Europe बीच का खिलड़ी Ex:  There is ongoing debate on where the geographical centre of Europe is. बीच का खिलाड़ी Ex:  Under British rule, the city grew into a major urban centre and naval base. बीच में रखना Ex:  An important cultural centre for Bharatanatyam is Kalakshetra भावभूमि Ex:  The city is the administrative and economic centre of Mauritania. मँहैं Ex:  In the Russian Empire Kiev was a primary Christian centre मद्ध Ex:  On Independence Square in the city centre मध्य बिंदु Ex:  The city centre houses government offices, some hotels, and the central market. मध्य भाग Ex:  O. glaberrima propagated from its original centre मध्य में लगाना Ex:  Centro is the historic centre of the city, as well as its financial centre. मध्य Ex:  The West Zone is the region furthest from the centre of Rio de Janeiro. उ:   मध्य चेन्नई नगर का व्यावसायिक केंद्र है। मध्यमार्ग Ex:  Besides the capital city Windhoek in the centre of the country मध्यमार्गी Ex:  Spain became the centre of activity in the next few years. उ:   इसके बाद मध्यमार्गी नेता अजय घोष ने पार्टी की कमान सम्भाली। माँयँ Ex:  Reykjavík is the centre of the Greater Reykjavík Area which मिधि Ex:  Whilst Melbourne remains an important and influential financial centre मुख्य सेना Ex:  Melbourne is the centre of manufacturing in Victoria, followed by Geelong. मुसल Ex:  London is the world's largest financial centre with the London Stock Exchange मूर Ex:  The town of Newmarket is considered the centre of English racing मूरि Ex:  Rome was the religious centre of western Europe मूल Ex:  Baghdad became the centre of scientific studies and trade उ:   वे मूल रूप से गुजराती थे। मूलनिकृंतन Ex:  Bermuda is an Offshore financial centre मूसरचंद Ex:  As a cultural centre for the United Kingdom रठकठ Ex:  Minsk became the centre of Minsk Voivodship . लगाना Ex:  It was also an important centre for the Eastern Orthodox Church. उ:   पर दक्षिण भारतीय भाषाओं में हलन्त लगाना पड़ता है। वलज Ex:  In 1796, it became the centre of the Minsk guberniya . विचारमूढ़ Ex:  Minsk was a major centre for the worker's movement in Belarus. वैषुवत् Ex:  Minsk was also a centre for the development of Belarusian language and culture. संकेंद्रीत करना Ex:  Minsk is the major cultural centre of Belarus. सन्निवेश Ex:  There are benches on two sides of the chamber, divided by a centre aisle. समुत्पत्ति Ex:  The River Avon in the city centre has evolved into Bristol Harbour सेंटर Ex:  The rebuilding of Bristol city centre was characterised by large उ:   ह्यूस्टन रॉकेट्स सेंटर याओ मिंग चीन से है। हरबोंग Ex:  Cilaos at the centre of Réunion received 1,869.9 mm of rainfall. हीनबुद्धि Ex:  Hong Kong is the wealthiest urban centre in the People's Republic of China. हीनमाति Ex:  There are benches on two sides of the Chamber, divided by a centre aisle. हृदयदेश Ex:  The centre of the city, Al-Bathaa and Al-Dirah, is also its oldest part. हेडक्वार्टर Ex:  Bologna's historic centre उ:   रामपुर मथुरा ब्लॉक का हेडक्वार्टर रामपुर कस्बे में स्थित है।
Other : केंद्रीकरण Ex:  Dili is the chief port and commercial centre for East Timor उ:   केंद्रीकरण की सीमा कंपनी की कार्य परिस्थितियों पर निर्भर करेगी। केंद्रीकृत Ex:  Furthermore it had to compete with the nearby trading centre Dorestad उ:   केंद्रीकृत औद्योगीकरण के इस युग में तो यह और भी आवश्यक हो गया है। केन्द्र Ex:  A community centre was built alongside the council chambers in 1982 उ:   डुनेडिन पर्यावरणीय पर्यटन का भी एक केन्द्र है। बीच Ex:  Melbourne had by then become the financial centre of Australia and New Zealand. उ:   इसके बीच राष्ट्रकूटों का शासन आया था। मूलकारण Ex:  Warsaw became the centre of the Congress Poland उ:   इसका मूलकारण किराँतकालीन इतिहास आज तक प्रामाणिक न होना बताया जाता है।
Centre ki paribhasha : sngit men ek saptak jisake svaron ka uchchaaran vakshasthal se knth ke andar ke sthaanon se kiya jaata hai golaayi ya vratt ke bich ka bindu kisi vratt ke andar ka vah vindu jisase paridhi tak khinchi hui sab rekhaaean paraspar baraabar hon vrakshon aur paudhon aadi ka vah bhaag jo jamin ke andar daba rahata hai aur jisake dvaara unaka poshan hota hai vah sthaan jahaaan ann boya jaata ho ek padaarth ke tal ke saath doosare padaarth ka tal milana
Centre synonyms
inside midpoint intermediary intermediate interior midway mean deepest equidistant inmost inner innermost internal medial at halfway point centermost middlemost heart place hub kernel essence focus seat pivot midst axis core gist nucleus marrow mainstream pith quick root focal point middle of the road nave omphalos polestar centrality hotbed cynosure centrum navel centriole equidistance intermediacy radial point bull's-eye town city shopping center plaza club mall station capital market marketplace metropolis mart concourse crossroads meeting place nerve center social center trading center gather intensify consolidate centralize unify collect join concenter focalize bring to a focus bring together close on converge upon medialize
Centre antonyms
exterior external outer bordering marginal peripheral outside extreme edging boundary outskirts periphery rim surroundings exteriority edge disjoin disperse scatter divide separate dissipate
Usage of Centre in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun, verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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