Cereal meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cereal
As noun : अंन Ex:  Here's a little cow juice to pour on your cereal .
अनाज का पौधा Ex:  Vast expanses of wheat and other cereal crops अनाज Ex:  Barley is an annual cereal grain उ:   कुछ तो केवल अनाज से मुश्किल से पेट भर पाते हैं। अन्न या अनाज का पौधा Ex:  South and Southeast Asia, making it the most consumed cereal grain. अन्न Ex:  Whereas brown rice contains all of the ingredients of a healthy cereal उ:   इसीलिए वैदिक ऋषियों ने अन्न को ब्रह्म कहा है। खाजिक Ex:  In many countries where rice is the main cereal crop गल्ला Ex:  Plant food includes cereal grains, berries and fruit. गारित्र Ex:  Wheat is the primary cereal grain. जीवसाधन Ex:  Miyamoto's characters appeared on cereal boxes दानापानी Ex:  Oats and barley were the main cereal crops. धान्य Ex:  In order to produce ethanol from starchy materials such as cereal grains उ:   धान्य का निर्यात बड़ी मात्रा में देश के लिये लाभकारी है। नमस् Ex:  Beers are made from cereal grains or other starchy materials निवाप Ex:  The following table shows annual production of cereal grains बीजरुह Ex:  Once the cereal plants have grown their seeds भोगार्ह्य Ex:  Wheat is the primary cereal grain. मन्वाद्य Ex:  crushed cereal grains याज Ex:  Petty straws, cereal Balls उ:   ” महाराज ने याज और उपयाज से उनके कहे अनुसार यज्ञ करवाया। लवेंटिका लांचुल वयोधा वरेणुक वलज वारवृषा शस्यभक्षक शीत्य सस्याद सीरियल उ:   यह सीरियल दर्शकों के बीच बेहद सफल रहा।
Cereal ki paribhasha : vah lnbi kahaani ya doosara lekh jo kai baar aur kai hisson men nikale
Cereal synonyms
wheat corn rice bran rye oats breakfast food
Usage of Cereal in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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