Certainly meaning in hindi
As adverb : अवश्य Ex: I am certainly not asking her! she reported indignantly. उ: ताइवान उस समय तक अवश्य मंगोलों से अछूता रहा।
अवस्य Ex: You certainly look gloomy, Bill . इकआँक Ex: I certainly don't want for advice . और क्या Ex: The church certainly required literacy निशिचत रूप सें Ex: "God almost certainly does not exist" निश्चित रूप से Ex: Van der Waerden believes that "it was certainly based on earlier traditions". परीच्छित Ex: Darnley was murdered by conspirators almost certainly led by James Hepburn यकीनन् Ex: It is certainly derived from Old Norse सुतरां Ex: It was certainly known by 1511
Other : अलबत्ता Ex: Phoenix certainly belongs to ancient culture, but dragons are mentioned at so many places that they have now become quite anachronic. उ: कुछ कवियों ने अलबत्ता लक्षण ग्रन्थों का निर्माण किया। अवश्यमेव Ex: Joanne certainly is well-organized . निश्चय Ex: 1.85:1. The latter would certainly be possible उ: निश्चय ही वे अवज्ञाकारी लोग है। बीस Ex: "one that Moore almost certainly never intended उ: इस संस्था में बीस यूरोपीय सदस्य देश हैं। बेशक Ex: The next successor was certainly Tutankhaten उ: बेशक वे प्रधानमन्त्री के पुत्र थे।
ExamplesCertainly synonyms
absolutely exactly surely assuredly of course positively unquestionably right on cert for a fact posolutely without fail Certainly antonyms
doubtfully dubiously questionably equivocally Usage of Certainly in sentences
The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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