Chaos meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Chaos
As noun : अनल्पघोष Ex:  In an effort to take advantage of the chaos ensuing from the French Revolution
अप्रबंध Ex:  Bounded chaos is a useful term for describing models of disorder. अफरा तफरीह Ex:  The first discoverer of chaos can plausibly be argued to be Jacques Hadamard अव्यवस्था Ex:  As an effect of the chaos in Russian ranks उ:   नेपोलियन ने इस अव्यवस्था को दूर किया। उद्घुष्ट Ex:  In the chaos of the late twelfth century कलकल Ex:  In the chaos of the Second World War Chişinău was nearly completely destroyed. कलहलना Ex:  In the chaos that marked the unloading of the trains कालकील Ex:  The ultimate example of chaos is the absence of gods. कुराहरपु Ex:  Taking advantage of the chaos केऑस Ex:  In the chaos and unrest after the fire कोलाहल Ex:  He arrived with the country in chaos उ:   सेना का कोलाहल सम्पूर्ण ब्रह्माण्ड में गूंजने लगा। गड़बड़ी Ex:  After Onox takes her by force and the seasons are thrown into chaos उ:   कई ब्राउज़र आदि के ऊपर के हिस्से में गड़बड़ी दिखाई पड़ती है। गलबल Ex:  William was captured in the chaos गिलबा Ex:  With the country bankrupt and the capital in chaos गोलमाल Ex:  He becomes an anonymous man in all the chaos गड़बड़ी या गोलमाल Ex:  In the chaos following the murder दुर्व्यवस्था अन्धव्यवस्था Ex:  In the chaos of the war बदइंतजामी Ex:  After the nationwide chaos of the Cultural Revolution and towards the 1980s विनद Ex:  The Napoleonic invasions of Spain led to chaos विरुत Ex:  chaos विशृंखलता Ex:  His head is chaos शब्दित Ex:  Its library is a chaos, a real chaos संक्रंद Ex:  Of two kinds Who gives the impression of chaos संराव, संरावण Ex:  The chaos was a confused assembly items हठिका Ex:  When the chaos had subsided हरबोँग Ex:  , This is a very difficult business to manage chaos हालहूल Ex:  God unraveled chaos हाहू
Other : अराजकता Ex:  Feigenbaum notably discovered the universality in chaos उ:   वित्‍तीय मामलों में भी अराजकता थी। गड़बड़ी Ex:  To avoid a recurrence of the political chaos of the Warring States Period बद Ex:  Boris Godunov's reign ended in chaos बवाल Ex:  In the ensuing chaos Mark Antony
Chaos ki paribhasha : raajy ke bhitar janata ki ashaanti aur uddhat aacharan bahut se logon ki aspasht chillaahat
Chaos synonyms
turmoil discord tumult disarray pandemonium lawlessness disorder anarchy misrule bedlam muddle unruliness snarl entropy free-for-all clutter mix-up disorganization topsy-turviness mobocracy ataxia holy mess rat's nest
Chaos antonyms
calm orderliness tidiness quiet harmony peace arrangement organization neatness normality system
Usage of Chaos in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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