Character meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Character
As noun : Ex:  education has for its object the formation of character
अंक Ex:  his early orphanage shaped his character as an adult उ:   इसका पहला अंक १ जनवरी २००१ को प्रकाशित हुआ था। अंतर्दधन Ex:  A single spot on the character spoils the life. अक्षर Ex:  severity of character उ:   अंतिम अक्षर ड़ाड़ा है। अक्षरक Ex:  He is the pivotal character in the play. अक्षरन्यास Ex:  The main flaw in her character is the habit of telling lies at all times. अक्षरविन्यासा Ex:  Hes a rather shady character - I dont trust him. अक्षरांग Ex:  the geological environment is the primary factor in determining the character of a country not only topographically but historically अख्खर Ex:  Shakespeares character Hamlet has always been an enigma for the readers. अजीब गुण होना Ex:  Feste is a comical character in Shakespeares comedies. अधिकारी Ex:  Her character is unimpeachably strong. उ:   वह ब्रिटिश ईस्ट इंडिया कम्पनी में भी अधिकारी थे। अनिर्वेद Ex:  Her character in the court was badly imputed by the lawyer. अपग्रह Ex:  The article about the school gave us a few side-lights on the character of its owner. अभावरी Ex:  The character of the log did not show any degeneracy. अभाष्य Ex:  Yet for these new sounds the old character C अह्लीयत Ex:  The series centers around Link, the main playable character and protagonist. आचरण Ex:  More typically, the character uses facial expressions to indicate mood उ:   धर्म, ज्ञान और आचरण की खिड़की खोलता है। आदरभाव Ex:  A colorful character by all accounts आनर Ex:  Therefore the achievements were mostly of national character . आर्टिकिल Ex:  The character "ki" is used in everyday Japanese terms, such as , or . आह्लयन Ex:  Kneale decided there were some new avenues to explore with the character इखलाक Ex:  Christine Finn played the other main character इखलाकी Ex:  Kneale used a character from a previous serial other than Quatermass himself. इन्तेमाल Ex:  He returned to the Quatermass character for a final time with Quatermass इशारत Ex:  In addition to fermenting the beer, yeast influences the character and flavour. इसारत Ex:  In a scene in which her character Margot Wendice is nearly murdered ईमा Ex:  The character 小 in this context means petty in mind and heart उजम्मत Ex:  The character zhōng means "middle" or "central," while guó means "state". उत्कीर्ण करना Ex:  In Claude Chabrol's Ophélia the central character उपक्षेपण Ex:  He is also a leading character in The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas उपाचिति Ex:  In spite of the anonymous character of many French writings of the Middle-Ages उपोदघात Ex:  His principal character was "The Tramp" . उलटन Ex:  The character wears a tight coat उवठान Ex:  The barber physically resembles Chaplin's Tramp character ऐक्ट Ex:  The eponymous main character औसाफ Ex:  His character changes and he becomes more peaceful in dealing with others. करामत Ex:  In choosing forms, Shakespeare matches the poetry to the character who uses it. कर्तव्य Ex:  Apart from its anime-inspired character designs उ:   यह कर्तव्य उसे समाज के सदस्य की हैसियत से ही निभाना है। कसबल Ex:  Any Given Sunday where he played a character very much like himself. कारेक्टर Ex:  Groups of five or seven bits become a character printed by a teletype. काव्यरीति Ex:  The Russian alphabet has many systems of character encoding. किरदार Ex:  The Chinese character Tao 道 means "path" or "way" उ:   रॉन का किरदार रोवलिं ने पहले ही दिन लिख लिया था। कीर्तना Ex:  The intrinsically nationalistic character of Genç Kalemler कीर्ति Ex:  The name of Nabokov's character is "Ned Litam" उ:   वरियता में यह कीर्ति चक्र के बाद आता है। केदर Ex:  The same character may be read several different ways depending on the word. कोटेशन Ex:  In Part II her character had changed dramatically क्रित्य Ex:  Like her character in Annie Hall क्रियापाद Ex:  Dahl's story is referenced in the film when the character Mr. क्षमता Ex:  The speech was given by the character Kate, played by Phoebe Cates. उ:   भूमि की जल धारण क्षमता बढ़ती हैं। खासियत Ex:  Fast Times' Judge Reinhold and character actor Edward Andrews उ:   ये इस होटल की खासियत हैं। खु Ex:  The character of the gallery is still that of a private collection खुबी Ex:  French still had the character of an official language. खुसुसियत Ex:  Many other dialogues ascribed to Plato also use the Socratic character ख्याति Ex:  The Arabic alphabet can be encoded using several character sets उ:   इस समय उसकी ख्याति चारों ओर फैल चुकी थी। गणता Ex:  The character of Lady Kaede is also a Noh influenced performance. गुण Ex:  But because the character had been written for Mifune उ:   इस गुण को स्फुरदीप्ति कहते हैं। घुमनि Ex:  In matters of character चतुःषष्ठी Ex:  Each character is assigned a number चतुष्पंचाशत् Ex:  Since the IPA uses symbols that are outside the ASCII character set चतुस्त्रिंशत् Ex:  By 1932, Mickey Mouse had become quite a popular cinema character चत्वारिशत् Ex:  Loaded starring Scott Levy as the Neo character and Vanilla Ice was released. चरचर Ex:  Furthermore, his character also alters significantly. चरिट्र पट्र Ex:  The Cycle introduced the character of Galahad चरिट्र Ex:  Arthur remained a relatively minor character in these French prose romances . चरित्र Ex:  Bart was the only fictional character on the list. उ:   एटा जिला की अर्थव्यवस्था चरित्र में कृषि है। चरिम Ex:  "I thought that was madness, certainly a lack of character on Boorman's part. चर्य Ex:  For example, the cartoon character Dilbert is an engineer. चर्या Ex:  Because it used a dial to select each character rather than keys चलवाई Ex:  These often take the form of character strings चारभटी Ex:  Guevara and Castro were opposites in character चाल चलन Ex:  Nelson also appears as a minor character in Abel Gance's Austerlitz . चालचलन Ex:  CBS executive Fred Silverman and character designer Iwao Takamoto. चालचलन Ex:  CBS executive Fred Silverman and character designer Iwao Takamoto. चालढाल Ex:  The novel is centered around a character named Horace Hackett चिह्न या अक्षर Ex:  His appearance was influenced by his character model from Twilight Princess. चीतारना Ex:  It includes an original character चुथाई Ex:  The character Link has been overall well received by critics and fans. चुवावनि Ex:  But when the perspective shifts to any other character चुसनि Ex:  The character of colonial Australia चेत Ex:  Yet she accomplished this effect through the character of Oroonoko. चोथाई Ex:  In addition to the content of his character जने Ex:  Solovyov is noted as the inspiration for the character Alyosha Karamazov. जर्फ Ex:  A character in Crichton's novel also states that ". जाँबाजी Ex:  Chevy Chase's lead character जियनि Ex:  Leary's character plays in the FDNY vs. जियारा Ex:  ASK-ee, is a character encoding based on the English alphabet. जीवनतल Ex:  The revolutionary character of the Carolingian reform जोगतापु Ex:  The character of Fagin is believed to be based upon Ikey Solomon झूलनि Ex:  David Naughton's character तंत्रिमुख Ex:  Like the Pilgrim character in the novel तत्वता Ex:  Anglican biblical scholarship began to assume a distinct character तत्वभाव Ex:  The character Frasier Crane was featured in his own successful spin-off तथाभाव Ex:  If this key would normally generate the character "a" तरीक Ex:  One of the earliest proponents of character simplification was Lu Feikui दर्जा Ex:  In the game, there is now a character which shrinks when Mario looks at it उ:   इससे पहले यह दर्जा नेवादा के पास था। दलालत Ex:  The character of Tom Sawyer was modeled on Twain as a child दिलगुरदा Ex:  The book also introduced in a supporting role the character of Huckleberry Finn देशव्यवहार Ex:  The show's lead character is currently portrayed by David Tennant. Ex:  The character of the Doctor was initially shrouded in mystery. धंग Ex:  When a character accumulates a certain amount of experience points धराव Ex:  The first Final Fantasy VIII character designed was Squall. नक्शा Ex:  As there was not yet a detailed history conceived for the character नाँवरा Ex:  When a Djinni is "Set" to a character नाउँ Ex:  While in standby, the Djinn do not contribute to character classes नाऊँ Ex:  Umberto Eco discussed the mythic qualities of the character in the early 1960s नाटक का पात्र या नाटक का चरित्र Ex:  Siegel and Shuster each compared this character to Slam Bradley नाटक का पात्र Ex:  In later Superman radio programs the character continued to take on such issues नाम Ex:  Danner was the main character of the 1930 novel Gladiator by Philip Wylie उ:   दीन-ए-इलाही नाम से अकबर ने १५८२ में। नामवाचक Ex:  Other enemies who have featured in various incarnations of the character निषेवन Ex:  The character has been developed as a vehicle for serials on radio नृम्ण Ex:  Other tracks to reference the character include Genesis' "Land of Confusion" पचोतर सो Ex:  In the United Kingdom Monty Python created the character Bicycle Repairman पतपानी Ex:  Brad Fraser used the character as a reference point for his play Poor Super Man परतिसठा Ex:  He writes that the character "represented परसनि Ex:  The Chinese character for tea is 茶 परिपक्वावस्था Ex:  In many ways she resembled the Norma Desmond character and पहलू Ex:  He compared Von Stroheim's character Max with The Phantom of the Opera उ:   पक्षिजीवन के कुछ पहलू सदैव से रहस्यमय रहे हैं। पाट्र Ex:  If there is a central character to War and Peace it is Pierre Bezukhov पातनिका Ex:  The character returned to television in a 1979 serial पाहु Ex:  The unusual character is called Gha and represents the phoneme . पुरख Ex:  The character of Poland was changed however. पुरषातन Ex:  Stefani lent her voice to the title character of Malice पैटन Ex:  Luke/Annikin's father is still an active character in the story at this point प्रकृतिभाव Ex:  His life and character has inspired or at least informed many famous artworks प्रणिघान Ex:  In his short story "Evidence", Asimov lets his recurring character Dr. प्रतिष्ठा Ex:  He was also rumored to be the inspiration for the character of Dr. उ:   इनमें उत्तराध्ययन की बड़ी प्रतिष्ठा है। प्रमाण पट्र Ex:  In Marnie , the title character is a kleptomaniac. प्रवाचन Ex:  The hero of the series is the eponymous character प्रविख्याति Ex:  Horner never becomes a reformed character प्रव्यक्ति Ex:  The show's central character is John Ross "J.R". प्रागल्भ्य Ex:  Batman is a fictional character फजीनगी Ex:  The character made his first appearance in Detective Comics #27 . फरहरनि Ex:  Batman became a popular character soon after his introduction फेरनि Ex:  As the decades wore on, differing takes on the character emerged. बरण Ex:  Batman proved a hit character बर्नना Ex:  The following year drew more attention to the character बसबास Ex:  Batman's primary character traits can be summarized as "wealth बाजनि Ex:  A main component that defines Batman as a character is his origin story. बिघनता Ex:  Frank Miller views the character as "a dionysian figure बेकत Ex:  In an article commemorating the sixtieth anniversary of the character ब्युहार ‡ Ex:  1943. That same year the character was adapted in the 13-part serial Batman ब्रन्नना Ex:  Creators associated with the character have expressed their own opinions. भूमिका Ex:  Alexander is also a character of Greek folklore उ:   नोर्स गाथाओं में अटिला की प्रमुख भूमिका है। माडल Ex:  Shelley's character Henry Clerval does not appear in the film at all मानमान्यता Ex:  The vowel may be changed by adding vowel marks to the basic character यथार्ह Ex:  They saw an analogy between Mary Phagan and the film's character Flora. योग्यता Ex:  For example: – the character उ:   इससे बालक की साधारण मानसिक योग्यता का अनुमान मिलता है। Ex:  This special character is explained below. राहरीति Ex:  Tatiana , even the title character from his abandoned opera Undina. रुसख Ex:  Hilary Bailey includes a character of that name in Cassandra: Princess of Troy रुसनाई Ex:  Each character can access as many as six dresspheres at a time रूढ़ि Ex:  When a character activates one of these dresspheres लक्खन Ex:  Malkovich's character लक्षण Ex:  The city's character changed markedly during this period. उ:   लक्षण दोहों में और उदाहरण कवित्तसवैए में हैं। लखाइ Ex:  With the rights to the character लच्छिन Ex:  Crumb later drew a comic in which the Fritz character was killed off लसनि Ex:  A player may swap one character for another at any time लिंपि Ex:  One character is thinking of installing a Multivac, Jr. लिखत Ex:  A logogram is a written character which represents a word or morpheme. लिपि Ex:  Parker responded by creating a character he called "Captain Thunder". उ:   ये अरबी-फ़ारसी लिपि में लिखी जाती है। लिपिचिन्ह Ex:  This change would remain for most future uses of the character लिबि Ex:  Mary Marvel is a featured character in DC's sequel to 52 लियाकत Ex:  Filmation revisited the character a few years later for an animated Shazam! लिवि Ex:  The Image Comics character Mighty Man लेख Ex:  Spider-Man, the character Peter Parker shouts "Shazam! उ:   इस लेख में सभी बर्तनों की सूची है। लोकबाह्य Ex:  Even more than ten years after the character first disappeared लोकयात्रा Ex:  John Cleese's character in the film A Fish Called Wanda was named Archie Leach वंन्न Ex:  The Disney character Pluto वकअत Ex:  Once a city with a strong industrial character वकार Ex:  Felix the Cat is a cartoon character created in the silent-film era. वनस् Ex:  More recent works have emphasized the role of character in ethics वरणन करना Ex:  As he played the title character in the animated short, "Sir Billi the Vet". वरणना Ex:  Otto von Bismarck appears as a character in the historical novel Royal Flash वरन Ex:  Each aicme was named after its first character . उ:   वरन राजनीति, दण्डनीति और नैतिक उपदेशों का भी वृहद वर्णन मिलता है। वर्ण Ex:  The character was played by Canadian-born actor William Shatner. उ:   वर्ण विचार तीन प्रकार के होते हैं। वर्णदूत Ex:  A Chinese character or Han character is a logogram used in writing Chinese वर्णन करना Ex:  The basic character shapes are suggested ववहार Ex:  The various types of character were first classified c. वस्तुरचना Ex:  The right half of the character also contains four strokes वस्फ Ex:  The one area where character usage is officially restricted is in names वाक्यपद्धति Ex:  The most complex character found in modern Chinese dictionaries is 齉 nàng वाक्यप्रबंध Ex:  Another very simple Chinese logograph is the character 〇 वाङ् मुख Ex:  The logograph 〇 is a native Chinese character विक्षिप्त व्यक्ति Ex:  Each character has a set number of brushstrokes विचेष्टित Ex:  In HTML character entity references वित्तक Ex:  The character of Polish art always reflected world trends. वित्तक Ex:  The character of Polish art always reflected world trends. विनिमेष, विनिमेषण Ex:  "dit" for dots located at the end of a character विन्यय Ex:  The ISO-8859-1 and extended ASCII character encodings include the letters á विरदैत Ex:  As each character represents a single word विवहार Ex:  She is perhaps the only character in the Monument to the Conquerors of Space विशेषता Ex:  Owing to its historical multi-cultural character उ:   प्राचीनता के साथ इसकी दूसरी विशेषता अमरता है। विशेष्ता Ex:  , myosins provide dynamic character of the network. उ:   उनकी विशेष्ता ये थी की वो आंकडो का विश्लेष्ण कंरने में महारथी थे। वीरभाव Ex:  He even appears himself as a character वीरवाद Ex:  Besides adopting the pseudonym "Hagbard" from the character Hagbard Celine वृत्तचेष्टा Ex:  Hangal, one of Hindi cinema's most famous character actors . वेवहार Ex:  "The Miser" "Le Tartuffe" are character comedies वैशिष्ट Ex:  A baroque character वैशिष्टय Ex:  A billowing character व्यक्ति Ex:  A character in the highest honor उ:   नीकोला बूरबाकी नाम का कोई भी व्यक्ति नहीं था। व्यक्तित्व Ex:  A character marking उ:   श्रीलाल शुक्ल का व्यक्तित्व अपनी मिसाल आप था। व्यवहार Ex:  A character trait, an action or speech conformed to the character of the one who actually speaks the उ:   इससे व्यवहार और परमार्थ का भेद बराबर बना रहता है। व्योहरनी Ex:  A formal character and, substantively and very familiarly, an official, a character that is part of the government or Administration व्योहार Ex:  A friendly character व्यौहार Ex:  A great man missed A character who does not take it announced it was expected of him व्य़ुपरम Ex:  A large independent opinions, character शूष Ex:  A man who differs from another by the character शैली Ex:  a person's character उ:   इस शैली की भाषा व्यवहारिक है। श्रवस्यु Ex:  A soul, a character without energy श्रीकाम Ex:  A specified character संकार ‡ Ex:  A spirit, a character capable संकेत Ex:  A sympathetic character उ:   यह संकेत सिद्धसेन दिवाकर की ओर जान पड़ता है। संकेतग्रह, संकेतग्रहण Ex:  Absolutely, I know the character संकेताक्षर Ex:  also said figuratively A trait, a character taken from life, a feature, a represented character from nature संखयता Ex:  An equal character संश्रव Ex:  Apparition which is accompanied by the belief in the external existence and presents a character who is not more सजीया Ex:  Bat Harlequin, Sabre wood that is used by the character of Italian comedy called Harlequin सजीह Ex:  Beware of this woman is a dual character सत्वलक्षण Ex:  Both genders He says, for referring to the character of Rabelais, an extremely abundant Meals सनकी Ex:  By analogy, in terms of literature, this development, this, this character is a stereotype सन्निवेश Ex:  By extension, character Ferocity सप्तविंशति Ex:  By extension, character grumpy सफन Ex:  By extension, it is said of him, the one that kills a character who, for everyone, is regarded as a father सब्त Ex:  By extension, it means taking the female character समभिधा Ex:  By extension, optimistic character समभिव्याहार Ex:  By referring to a character in Greek mythology, one who drives a car समवस्था Ex:  C is the most ridiculous character that we can see समह्मा Ex:  character समाख्यान Ex:  character समाचेष्टित Ex:  character समाचेष्टित Ex:  character समाह्वा Ex:  character समुद्योग Ex:  character सलाहीयत Ex:  character सलोकं Ex:  character साहस Ex:  character उ:   वह जल पीने तक का साहस नहीं करता। सियादत Ex:  character सुसबद Ex:  character comedy स्टैंडर्ड Ex:  character Dances स्त्रीधर्म Ex:  character Eccentricity स्थिति Ex:  Depicting the character of a man उ:   ऐसी स्थिति में भ्रांति की सृष्टि हो सकती है। स्पर्द्धा, स्पर्धा Ex:  Doctrine, character of the Pharisees, the different meaning of the word Pharisee स्वभाव Ex:  Doing this or that character means, by extension, Give for this or that quality उ:   पति का स्वभाव चंचल और उग्र था। स्वरूप Ex:  Feel the same is said of the local Builders' mind, when they have the character attributed to the country of which the author is, where he lived उ:   उनके राम परब्रह्म स्वरूप हैं। स्वलक्षण Ex:  Feeling, character from that misanthropic स्ववार्त Ex:  Fool character स्वाकार Ex:  Giving education or a dogmatic opinion character स्वाचरण Ex:  Having a character defying स्वेतरंगी Ex:  Having inequality in the character हँसावनि Ex:  He bravely played the character हस्तविन्यास Ex:  He did very well his character हस्तसंज्ञा Ex:  He gave the finishing touches to her character हावलाबावला Ex:  He has no character to act, he speaks without character is said of someone who has no mission, authority or power to do or say something हीअर Ex:  He introduced in his play a new character हूति Ex:  He played in this case a strange character हृत्सार Ex:  He said again, figuratively, the Genius of each poet, character of his poetry होश Ex:  hieroglyphic character उ:   होश गर्भ मे ही विकसित हो जाता है। ह्वा Ex:  His character has finally found
Other : कोड Ex:  Allen based the character of Annie Hall loosely on Keaton . उ:   मंदिर मे दर्शन के लिए डे्स कोड रखा गया है। चारित्र्य Ex:  Nelson is the central character of the chapter entitled "A Wedding on Nevis".
Character ki paribhasha : padaarthon ke laala, pile aadi bhedon ka naam bauddhon ke anusaar ve aacharan jo sadaachaar maane jaate hain rekhaaon dbaara aakaar aadi ka nirdesh taatparyabodh ke liye vaaky ke tin gunon men se ek do pakshon men honevaala vah jhagad jisaka phaisala adaalat se ho kisi padaarth ki vah visheshata jisake dvaara vah pahachaana jaay manushy ya kisi aur shariradhaari ka saara sharira, jisaki prathak satta maani jaati hai aur jo kisi samooh ya samaaj ka ang samajha jaata hai vah upahaar jo bar ka bad bhaayi vadhou ko deta hai kaajal ki bindi najar se bachaane ke liye bachche ke maathe par laga dete hai manushy ke mukh se nikali hooi dhvani ko soochit karane ka snket ya chihn
Character synonyms
style humor nature type kind cast aspect sense tone quality spirit personality streak set bent habit attribute frame morale shape standing constitution record genius complex complexion repute ethos badge sort caliber trait makeup specialty disposition temperament singularity mettle vein mood appearance mystique turn reputation grain estimation frame of mind emotions crasis intelligence courage name status station uprightness rank fame place report honor rectitude figure case customer oddball freak oddity eccentric nut queer personage clown weirdo spook crank original card duck zombie wack monogram emblem number mark cipher letter logo device numeral sign hieroglyph rune role impersonation part personification
Character antonyms
ill repute unemployment regularity normality standard
Usage of Character in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
Word of the day

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