Chary meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Chary
As noun : अप्रमत्त
कार्यचिंतक चेतंत धिष्णय पृष्ठपाती युक्तमना व्यपेक्ष व्यपेक्षक सँजवल सँजूत संयत्त सहस्त्राक्ष सावचेत ‡ सावधान उ:   अतः अगर आप भी ऐसी सोच रखते हैं तो आपको सावधान हो जाना चाहिए। सावहित स्वांतस्थ
Chary synonyms
cagey calculating canny circumspect considerate discreet economical fastidious frugal gingerly guarded heedful hesitant inhibited leery loath miserly particular prudent reluctant restrained safe scrupulous sparing stingy suspicious thrifty uneasy wary watchful constrained
Chary antonyms
hasty heedless incautious rash willing careless uncareful
Usage of Chary in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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