Chatter meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Chatter
As noun : कचकचाहट Ex:  I can hear the chatter of birds from my window.
गप्प लगाना Ex:  chatter of gossips गलगौज Ex:  Having too much chatter चहकना Ex:  His chatter stunned me चहचहाना Ex:  It has an unwelcome chatter चीं चीं की आवाज़ Ex:  RASANT in popular parlance means Who is boring by his chatter चुहचाँना Ex:  That much chatter चेँ चेँ Ex:  The chatter of gossips चेँपेँ Ex:  This pie chatter all day चैटर Ex:  When the thrill takes him, his teeth chatter, it teeth chatter झकजक Ex:  , Fold the chatter of someone, anyone, to silence the दांत बजाना Ex:  , Having the language well row Have a lot of chatter and also speak with wit, subtlety, malice बकबक बड़बड़ मगजचट्टी मुँहचटौवल
As verb : कटकटना Ex:  All this is just chatter, chatter is only an empty कटकटाना Ex:  An insipid chatter करकराना Ex:  Babil, deafening chatter बकबक करना
Other : चहचहा Ex:  It exceeds everyone with its eternal chatter चहचहाहट Ex:  Onomatopoeia one uses in everyday language for designate Suite words unimportant continual chatter जल्प Ex:  You stun me with your chatter उ:   जल्प और वितंडा का स्वभाव वाद से पर्याप्त भिन्न है।
Chatter ki paribhasha : pakshiyon ka aanndit hokar madhoor shabd karana
Chatter synonyms
chitchat blather babble gossip palaver gas prattle jabber twaddle yakking cackle prate jaw gabble blab tattle twiddle clack gibber natter go on and on
Chatter antonyms
quiet drawl be quiet
Usage of Chatter in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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