Chef doeuvre meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Chef doeuvre
As noun :
उत्कृष्ट कलाकृति
Chef doeuvre synonyms
treasure prize stroke of genius prototype paradigm exemplar standard chef d'oeuvre concept production brainchild handiwork work of genius piã¨ce de rã©sistance monument jewel gem masterstroke flower showpiece perfection model cream cream of the crop master work centerpiece feat feature highlight main dish specialty culinary masterpiece dish fit for a king dish of the day great performance main attraction outstanding accomplishment plat du jour attainment conquest deed exploit master stroke success triumph victory feat of strength grand achievement great achievement coup meisterstuck best seller crowning accomplishment crowning stroke grand slam hole in one home run icing on the cake smash hit work of a master work of a past master bull's-eye feather in one's cap great work major work monumental work
Chef doeuvre antonyms
destruction ruin death failure worst
Usage of Chef doeuvre in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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