Chiffon meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Chiffon
As noun : शिङन Ex:  chiffon Species
As adjective :
जालांशुक Ex:  A crepe top, chiffon जालीदार कपड़ा Ex:  chiffon Petticoat शिफॉन
Chiffon ki paribhasha : kisi chija, visheshataः lakadi patthar ya dhaatu aadi, men bana hua bahut se chhote chhote chhedon ka samooh ek prakaar ki kudaali jisapar majadoore jamin khodate hain
Chiffon synonyms
clear delicate gauzy gossamer light pellucid pure thin translucent transparent cobweblike dainty fine insubstantial wispy see-through cobwebby fine-grained floaty tiffany shaky decrepit tacky rickety feeble shallow wobbly frail slight defective fragile inadequate infirm meager slapdash sleazy superficial unsound unsubstantial weak cut-rate house of cards papery rinkydink lacy smooth airy limpid soft
Chiffon antonyms
opaque thick translucent nontransparent substantial clean clear healthy sturdy convincing plausible strong sound firm heavy solid tough reasonable serious cloudy indefinite uncertain impermeable dark coarse rough moderate slow
Usage of Chiffon in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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