Childbearing meaning in hindi
As noun : गर्भच्युति Ex:  It also means Twist the vessels that lead to the testicles of an animal to make it incapable of childbearing
गर्भमोक्ष Ex:  It also says for Birthing, childbearing जनिता प्रसव उ: उन्हें शल्य क्रिया द्वारा प्रसव कराने का भी ज्ञान था। प्रसूति उ: प्रसूति स्वयंभुव मनु और शतरूपा की तीन कन्याओं में से तृतीय कन्या थी। षु, षू सुत्या
Childbearing ki paribhasha : daksh prajaapati ki stri ka naam jinase sati ka janm hua tha
ExamplesChildbearing synonyms
travail lying-in accouchement parturiency birthing pregnancy childbirth parturition motherhood Usage of Childbearing in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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