Children meaning in hindi
As noun : अंकज Ex: He directed the children to do their homework
आकाशफल Ex: I commend my children in your care. जनिमा Ex: Abandoned children are kept in orphanages. पुत्र Ex: disobedient children उ: उनके पुत्र अमिताभ बच्चन एक प्रसिद्ध अभिनेता हैं। पुत्री Ex: Some children are introspective. उ: वीरास्वामी के पाँच पुत्र तथा एक पुत्री थी। प्रजातंतु Ex: These children incommodes in the premises. बच्चे Ex: Her children are obstreperous. उ: यहां बच्चे और बड़े बराबर संख्या में आते हैं। बच्चों Ex: The children sat in a round. उ: इस पार्क मे बच्चों के मनोरंजन का खास ध्यान रखा गया है। बालबच्चे Ex: Sometimes the children are pestilential. रेतज Ex: Sometimes the children are pestilential. वंशधर Ex: Sometimes the children are pestilential. वंश्य Ex: The children are playing with snow. संततिक Ex: The children are playing on the sands. संतान Ex: She dotes on her children उ: वे उनकी एकमात्र संतान थीं। स्तुक Ex: Leave the coats on the children . संतान Ex: He fathered six children हर्षयित्नु Ex: In the 1990s the youngest of his children
Other : बालगोपाल Ex: The children are playing on the swings.
Children ki paribhasha : vah pravaah jo avichchhinn roop se chalata ho
ExamplesChildren synonyms
infant toddler adolescent juvenile youth teenager baby kid offspring minor youngster bairn sprout suckling newborn lamb progeny tyke tot imp cub innocent squirt issue neonate nursling babe urchin nipper bambino mite descendant moppet brat chick cherub stripling whippersnapper nestling shaver dickens preteen tadpole anklebiter kiddie little angel little darling little doll little one pubescent small fry teenybopper young one Children antonyms
adult parent Usage of Children in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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