Chilly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Chilly
As noun : अकलखुरा Ex:  She is rather chilly to her guests.
अनास्थ Ex:  We grind chilly in the mixer grinder. अपरत Ex:  The months of December and January are chilly अप्रयत्न Ex:  Usually the first symptoms are chills or a chilly sensation अलोलु Ex:  A climate zone characterized by hot, humid summers and chilly to mild winters. उत्साह हीन Ex:  The altitude makes for some chilly evenings उदासिता Ex:  Cutting down on the chilly side the eardrum उदासीन Ex:  It is so chilly that it is still to roast उ:   इसका अनुवाद उदासीन निरुत्साहित, आनंदहीन अवसाद किया गया है। कमरंद Ex:  It says especially in this phrase: It's chilly निरमर्ष निरुस्तुक निष्प्रतीप रुरुक्षु रूखा विकौतुक विमध्यम सनिर्विशेष साठनाठ
As adjective : अवशीत Ex:  While the climate includes chilly summer fog, the winters are mild. ठण्डा Ex:  The chilly weather, air उ:   इसे ठण्डा परोसा जाता है। ठण्ढा Ex:  Cut the chilly ठिठुरानेवाला मिर्च उ:   मालाबार में काली मिर्च की भरपूर खेती होती है। सूखी लाल मिर्च
Other : रुखा लाल मिर्च शीत उ:   शीत ऋतु में बनिहाल दर्रा बर्फ से ढका रहता है।
Chilly ki paribhasha : jisaka svabhaav bahut hi ugra, tivr ya katu ho jisamen ghi, tel aadi chikane padaarth na pade hon baarah prakaar ke raajaaon men vah raaja jo do raajaaon ke bich yuddh hote samay kisi ki or na ho, kinaare rahe
Chilly synonyms
crisp brisk freezing breezy icy frosty wintry cool sharp arctic biting fresh glacial nippy penetrating snappy blowy icebox drafty hawkish frigid hostile unresponsive unsympathetic unwelcoming
Chilly antonyms
friendly tropical responsive welcoming temperate warm heated hot sympathetic kind nice
Usage of Chilly in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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