Chin meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Chin
As noun : गप्शप करना Ex:  Sam went down when he was struck on the chin .
चिंबुक Ex:  Keep your chin up, John . चिबु Ex:  "the chin of a second Hobbit jaw was snapped off and glued back together. चिबुक Ex:  By shaving it has made a slashing chin चुबुक Ex:  candy dish, oval dish, hollow, indented on the edge and that served barbers chin when soaping their clients छुबुक Ex:  cap Species for children and, by extension, any cap that attaches under the chin with a small flange जनखदाँ Ex:  chin chin ठुड्डी तक उठाना Ex:  Coat the chin and cheeks ठुड्डी Ex:  figuratively told someone that he has a figure nutcracker when his nose and his chin approximate उ:   इसकी ठुड्डी पर दाढ़ी होती है तथा इसकी घ्राणशक्ति तीव्र होती है। ठोड़ी Ex:  His chin was beginning to cover the first cotton उ:   गर्दन को नीचे झुकाकर ठोड़ी को कण्ठकूप में लगाएं। ठोढी Ex:  Human Face, front part of the head, including the forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, mouth, chin and ears उ:   बाद में इसे नेपाल सीमा पर भिखना ठोढी तक बढाया गया। ठोड़ी Ex:  It also said the Gaza canvas or fabric masks which once stood and which we covered his chin ठोढ़ी Ex:  It has great skin hanging his chin बातचित करना Ex:  It is, by extension and familiarly, Prime coat that comes in the chin and youths cheeks हनु Ex:  Link used to hold some hairstyles and passing or are tied under the chin
Chin ki paribhasha : chehare men oth ke niche ka bhaag jo kuchh golaayi liye ubhara hota hai vah vastu jisase jivan ko kshati ho bah bhuna hua daana jo phootakar khila na ho
Chin synonyms
point jaw button mandible mentum jawbone
Usage of Chin in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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