Chintzy meaning in hindi
As noun : अमुक्तहस्त
इष्टिपच कंजूस करमट्टा किंपच, किंपचान क्रपण जरपरस्त जुजरस तंगदिल दुनियापरस्त दृढ़मुष्टि पत्थरचटा प्रदानकृपण फल्गुद बद् धमुष्टि मामक
Chintzy ki paribhasha : jisaka mooly saadhaaran se kuchh kam ho
ExamplesChintzy synonyms
frowzy shabby sleazy tacky schlocky Usage of Chintzy in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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