Chocolate meaning in hindi
As noun : कत्थई Ex:  Don't give chocolate to the dog . उ: बच्चे बहुत छोटे होते हैं और हल्के कत्थई रंग के होते हैं।
गहर भुरा रंग Ex:  I dreamed of a huge chocolate cake . गहरा बूरा Ex:  I'm fond of chocolate . चाकलेट पेय Ex:  Invicta , Lavazza, Martini & Rossi, Kappa and the chocolate factory Caffarel. चाकलेट ससअ Ex:  Much of the chocolate consumed today is in the form of sweet chocolate चाकलेट Ex:  Dark chocolate has recently been promoted for its health benefits चॉकलेट Ex:  The Aztecs associated chocolate with Xochiquetzal, the goddess of fertility. उ: चॉकलेट रंग बाद में क्लैरट हो गया। चॉकोलेट Ex:  The earliest record of using chocolate pre-dates the Maya.
Chocolate ki paribhasha : kakaao ke bij ko pisakar taiyaar kiya gaya padaarth
ExamplesChocolate synonyms
fawn ginger tan toast amber brick nut buff coffee drab dust bronze bay ecru beige rust auburn tawny terra-cotta copper cinnamon russet puce mahogany sepia cocoa sorrel umber henna bister chestnut khaki hazel ochre burnt sienna snuff-colored dessert confection snack candy bonbon confectionery enjoyment delight pudding gratification pleasure confiture sweetmeat sugarplum final course Chocolate antonyms
dissatisfaction sorrow woe sadness melancholy misery unhappiness disappointment pain trouble Usage of Chocolate in sentences
The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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