Choke back meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Choke back
As noun :
Choke back synonyms
hinder prevent inhibit confine detain subdue suppress kill deter restrict curb hamper govern limit constrain curtail repress control fetter chain direct harness circumscribe check muzzle debar manacle arrest impound handicap proscribe imprison stay bridle gag hold cool delimit bind keep jail contain guide cork bottle up tie up keep down pinion box up crack down hem in hogtie keep in line lock up pull back sit on tie down smother suffocate squelch strangle silence asphyxiate stultify muffle stagnate stop choke hush trammel squash spike extinguish black out hush up shut up constipate torpedo burke bring to screeching halt clam up clamp down cover up dry up hold it down put the lid on
Choke back antonyms
aid assist permit liberate release forsake loosen mislead allow encourage help promote let go free start turn on abandon give up misguide neglect leave set free create persuade begin bear
Usage of Choke back in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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