Chord meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Chord
As noun : आँस Ex:  She tied a frienship chord round his wrist.
जीया Ex:  A diameter is a chord passing through the center. उ:   आपको मालूम है, उस जगह तक, मैंने अपना जीवन नहीं जीया था। जीवविषय Ex:  A diameter is the largest chord in a circle. जीवा Ex:  Given a chord of length y and with sagitta of length x उ:   जीवा सुहुमाथूला, संकप्पा, आरम्भाभवे दुविहा। जीवाआ Ex:  Ethereal music –– in a major chord –– is heard ज्या Ex:  Corgan acknowledged that a chord he jokingly claimed as "the Pumpkin chord" उ:   इस क्रम में ज्या से अपभ्रंश होकर 'साइन' बन गया। डोरि Ex:  A seventh chord डोरियापु Ex:  They also say Touching a chord डोरी Ex:  Wood chord उ:   चरखे की डोरी ढीली हो जाने पर भिगोकर कड़ी की जाती है। तंत्री Ex:  Any chord divides the circle into two parts, equal or unequal surface, which are called Segments उ:   इसमें प्रधान तंत्री होता है, जिसे प्रसंग कहते हैं। तन्त्री उ:   कहा जाता है कि भारतीय तन्त्री वाद्यों का सर्वाधिक विकसित रूप है। तां तार उ:   सब धातुओं के तार खींचे जा सकते हैं। तालित नाभिगत बद् धी रज्जू लेज सूत्रतंतु स्वर संयोग स्वरसंघात हेमसूत्र
Other : कर्ण Ex:  She played a chord on the piano. उ:   युधिष्ठिर! कर्ण का अद्भुत हृदय था। कर्णकटु Ex:  A chord of a circle is a line segment whose both endpoints lie on the circle.
Chord ki paribhasha : jo apane kutunb ya kabile ka ho praani ke knth se athava kisi padaarth par aaghaat padne ke kaaran utpann honevaala shabda, jisamen kuchh komalataa, tivrataa, mradutaa, katutaa, udaattataa, anudaattata aadi gun hon vah rekha jo kisi chaap ke ek sire se doosare sire tak ho shravanendriy me utpann snvedan athava vah vishay jisaka grahan shravanodriy men ho rui san ya isi prakaar ke aur reshon ke soota ya doron ke ek men batakar banaaya hua lnba khnd jisaka vyavahaar chijon ko baaandhane, kooean se paani khinchane aadi men hota hau tntr ka anusaran karanevaala sonaa, chaaandi taaanbaa, loha ityaadi, dhaatuon ka soot kai doron ya taagon ka batakar banaaya hua khnd jo lnbaayi men door tak lakir ke roop men chala gaya ho vah sidhi rekha jo kisi chaap ke sire se doosare sire tak ho
Chord synonyms
trajectory arc arch contour loop swerve sweep hairpin crook bend whorl ambit concavity circle quirk curvature festoon bight compass circumference bow turn circuit vault round horseshoe ellipse hyperbola ogee helix flexure curlicue parabola meniscus camber half-moon catenary incurvature incurvation sinuosity rondure arrangement unity melody composition tune unison consonance concert richness concurrence piece chime chorus euphony symphony triad blend overtone blending polyphony diapason harmonics tunefulness melodiousness attunement concentus concinnity mellifluousness organum
Chord antonyms
line discord disharmony clash fighting disproportion imbalance cacophony disagreement jangling
Usage of Chord in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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